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These can’t be true…right? For this list, we’ll be ranking the most outlandish and enduring theories and urban legends about musicians. Our countdown includes David Bowie Predicted the Rise of Kanye West, Lorde Is Older Than She Appears, Phil Collins Let a Man Drown, and more! Do you swear by any of these theories? Did we miss any along the way? Sound off in the comments!
Watch more great fan theory videos here:
Top 10 Movie Fan Theories That Will Ruin Your Childhood: https://youtu.be/gKJByzVTKUc
Top 20 Cartoon Fan Theories That Will Ruin Your Childhood: https://youtu.be/Y31kYSVWIH4
Top 10 Insane Fan Theories About The Simpsons: https://youtu.be/wGlVkg9vbNI
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Do you swear by any of these theories? Did we miss any along the way? Sound off in the comments!
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A couple that happened to be celebrities is exactly what a celebrity couple is 😂😂😂 Jay Z is a major con man.
The Paul Mccartney one , his explanation doesn't make sense, nobody takes off shoes to walk on hot pavement, which retains heat..
The jay z theory would honestly make a lot of since. I think he’s really overrated and just kinda has fake that’s there but no one really knows why.
8:49 actually weirdly sounds a lot like The Beatles
I went to school with rebecca black, she def payed for a music video on a website and it randomly blew up lmao
What makes me laugh the hardest is no one considered that photo of jay z is a relative the 1st reaction is his a time traveller vampire 😂😂
Don't forget the conspiracies Michael Jackson is still alive
I'm 99% convinced Tupac Shakur is still alive
My goal is to get overly famous, shine for a couple years..then fake my death. JUICE WRLD
if you wanna fake your death make it look like suicide.
Hope all you clowns know what conspiracy really is. Its a truth.
I've always loved the theory that Klaatu were actually The Beatles. It's a very interesting and underrated theory. Despite the fact that it's debunked, I still love The Beatles' music and Klaatu's music.
I was with you until the Jay z is in the illuminati statement. I now know your in on it, and are there for compromised. Also I subbed
2nd Paul McCartney is a way better musician.
As if david bowie was a prophet 😂
Number 2 ain't no theory at all…
Disturbed’s whole discography is a prediction to the end of society and how to survive it.
Unsubscribed because of the constant narrating and the sound of the narration. Just intro for 3 seconds and hit play you fucks!
#1 Gucci mane is actually michael jackson in disguise.
That voice sound pretty, and it is a beautiful woman in there! Love from Mexico! 🇲🇽
But hey…That's just a theory
Tupac 😌❤️
#2 is more likely to be true than the theory that Kurt Cobain killed himself.
I have nothing to say to the people that think otherwise.
Jay Z works with the CIA since 96. Fuckin vampire…
Please don't link Kayne West to David Bowie…
It's ALWAYS something going on behind the scenes in Hollyweird
Do people not know you can have other people carry your baby🙄
6:42 lmao that caught me off guard after having the video paused for 5 minutes
that childish gambino and donald glover are the same person
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