SpongeBob SquarePants: The Patrick Star Game reviewed by Sarah Thwaites on PC, also available on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch.
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Patrick Star Game is obviously geared more towards kids than those of us who grew up loving SpongeBob, but so are things like Astro Bot and Super Mario Wonder, and those games are brilliant. By contrast, the lack of exciting puzzle solutions or meaningful challenges offered across this six-hour adventure is bad enough that it feels like an underestimation of that audience. Propped up by the iconic and playful world of Bikini Bottom, it makes a strong first impression that quickly wears thin. Its physics-heavy sandbox can briefly be a joy to explore if you’re a fan of the TV series, however the slew of monotonous minigames and host of on-loop conversations within it fail to fully capture that show’s spirit. Without an engaging goal or overarching story to latch onto, the end result is a repetitive and uninventive adventure that does a disservice to Patrick’s protagonist potential.
N is for Never do a review again
The problem is literally just the price, this would be a great buy at $15, maybe $20 but there's just not enough here to justify $40. Get it on sale
This game's literally goats simulator with patrick
Reviewers are always completely out of touch with kids games. This game is an absolute blast for everyone!
Patrick went solo. 🤔
I got a switch and PS4, which version is better to get?
Also…how complex were you honestly expecting a SPONGEBOB game to be? 💀
She sounds like the episode where Patrick gets hit in the head with a coconut and starts talking with better vocabulary. She talks very boring though in this review.
Patrick: Firmly grasp the game!
IGN: Drop
Patrick: FIRMLY GRASP IT!!!!!!!
IGN: 5/10
This game is at least a 7.5 minimum
Is this a good video game review?
No, this is Patrick!
Ok who let this IGN reviewer sit in their car and record this?
Games a 10/10 cause like you said its geared towards kids. They will find endless amounts to do and make their own stories.
Why does the screen jerk, is it because of slow Nintendo?
I'm so done with IGN. They're a complete joke. How in the world do they have 18 million subscribers? These guys have absolutely no clue what they're talking about EVER.
IGN need to fire their reviewers and get better ones
We got GTA Bikini Bottom before GTA VI. Crazy
If I had a nickel for every time a SpongeBob ign game review was absolutely terrible…I'd have 3 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened 3 times
IGN Got No Right To Review a game
Making a SpongeBob open world sandbox game isn’t easy, and these devs look like they did an okay job. For a kids game it looks decent.
The devs either had no idea what to do, or they knew EXACTLY what to do
Gonna agree with this I hate the new SpongeBob and this score was justified imo
I go back play cosmic shake🤧🤮
Ignorant Gaming Numbnuts living up to their name, as always.
The bugs literally add to this game lol
pretty bad review. no technical aspects at all. just nonsense blah..
it reminds me of the Simpsons hit and run video game
IGN reviewing a children’s game from the perspective of an adult. Their contextual awareness is so far gone.
Honestly wait for a sale. But this game is worth it just for the open world. Makes me want other cartoon open worlds like simpsons and family guy.
This is the third time IGN, just stop playing mascot platformer altogether will ya? It's getting annoying
IGN Rule remind me to Stay Civil… to an Uncivilized Woman who depraved a true Spongebob Mascot 🤣
It is boring, it meant to be for Kids, LADY. Don't say it's boring when you are a grown adult
try sitting down with reef blower then blowing out, you fly
To kid friendly 4/10 well it's a kids game?
Brain dead reviewer as always
So much wasted potential.
Is this created by Outright Games?
No this is Patrick.
It's a 10 just for the jet pack around Bikini Bottom alone, but each to their own.
🤔 This review has rubbed me the wrong way due to the reviewer's dislike for a kids game. But to say puzzles 😆 this is what's wrong with the gaming industry right now! Then give it a 5 😆
Who asked for this game though?
They also fixed the dialogue cause on the cosmic shake and bfbb rehydrated you had to press a or x at the end of each players line here it just plays tge full line of dialouge.
This game actually looks fun 😅
Yall taking these SpongeBob games (KIDS games) so seriously will never not be funny 😂
You should have someone's kid review it IGN
5/10? who let woman out of the kitchen?
Reviewer has no imagination
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