🎬 The Best Squat Equipment for Your Home Gym? BodyKore Squat Box Review
💪 If you’re looking for the squat equipment to transform your workouts, the BodyKore Squat Box might just be what you need. This versatile platform is perfect for users of all fitness levels, allowing you to perform belt squats, Romanian deadlifts, rows, curls, overhead presses, tricep extensions, and more. It’s compact, durable, and works seamlessly with cable systems or resistance bands, making it ideal for home gyms or on-the-go setups.
In this video, I’ll give you an in-depth look at the BodyKore Squat Box—its features, benefits, and why it stands out as the squat equipment for anyone looking to take their lower body and functional training to the next level.
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Why the BodyKore Squat Box is the Best Squat Equipment:
-Multi-functional design: Pairs with cable systems or resistance bands for exercises like belt squats, -Romanian deadlifts, and rows.
-Built to last: Heavy sheet metal platform with anti-slip footing ensures durability and safety.
-Custom belt system: Includes a detaching latch for quick adjustments and secure performance.
-Smooth operation: Commercial-grade pulley delivers seamless motion during exercises.
-Portable and versatile: Compact size fits perfectly in home gyms, commercial setups, or even for on-the-go training.
Is the BodyKore Squat Box the best squat equipment to take your workouts to the next level? Stick around as I share all the details to help you decide!
My Website (For Affiliates & Socials): https://lukesgaragegym.square.site
BodyKore Squat Box: https://www.bodykore.com/product/squat-box-mx1182
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lukesgaragegym
📧 Business Inquiries: lukesgaragegym@gmail.com
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They have an extra cable so the curls don’t have that issue! It’s on the gym add on kit they said, FYI. Thoughts on this or their new version coming out? Make sure to smash that like button and subscribe and comment to support the page! I didn’t show the rows; checkout my bro Tim @goreckifit where he showcases it here 👇
So a $30 stand from nothern tools and pulley and and short cable. 60 bucks tops. 😅
There is a reason most manufacturers design puts the weight underneath the user. This thing is dangerous for everyone and every exercise. I can't believe you even demonstrated it. Please…for your own safety don't use that thing…I want to keep watching your videos…😃
They're coming out with a new one in January that has a bigger, 36" platform.
Hopefully, they saw this video and fix some of the design flaws. It looks insanely dangerous the way it was moving at just 100lbs.
Solid review brother it was amazing and quite helpful plus pointing out the pros and cons of the squat box might be considering getting it. 💯💪😎🤙
I created a Cable Squat Platform during the COVID Global Pandemic and at the time Not even knowing that there was a "DIY Community".
All I knew is that because of College Football and Squatting (traditional barbell on the back squatting) destroyed my spine.
I still wanted to do Legs and I wanted to do some form of a squat without loading weight onto my spine.
So I invented the Cable Squat Platform with "easy access" to hook on your belt squat Belt – so you don't have to bend down to your knees when there might be 200LBS on the Cable.
Then I went onto youtube and saw that a certain little man copied my idea (you know who the little man is). Anywho . . .
I guess it's too bad for me that I didn't patent it, or did I (patent it) . . . by creating it first with proof, because I have it on my website, only for the soul purpose of keeping track of what I create and what I buy and not really for other people (even though I do have it on the internet).
You can see it here: https://www.proflex.fitness/proflex-fitness-diy-home-gym-mods-and-hacks/cable-belt-squat-flat-platform-wpulley-wheel
PS, I don't mind at all that people copy my idea, (In fact I would be proud if someone did), but I do mind that they don't give me any credit for it.
This machine is stupidly prize and it's very dangerous… who would buy this piece of crap..
I was not aware of the weight limit, I see now why every other version is bolted on.
No thanks lol. I’ll stick to the lever arm version. Much safer.
Great job Luke
Cool, so can't go past 70% my body weight for belt squats… Already got issues there, but then, it's legit a box with a pulley in it. I have detailed specs and hell, I could prob pay Kaizen DIY to build me an exact replica of his latest and ship it to me so I don't have to lift a finger all for less than the price of this thing 😅
Complete and absolute Doo-Doo (Hey, you asked what I thought! 12:32)
I have 3 criteria for gym equipment that must all be met.
1- Can I progressively overload (Is there weight limitation that will prevent me from continuous progressing on this machine and will render my investment useless)
2- Can I push to failure without danger (is it stable?).
3- Can I perform the movement through its full ROM in an effective and natural manner
The RDLs looked okay, but on squats it fails all 3. It looked like you were on a bosu-ball and were just trying to not fall over, and as a result could barely hit a quarter rep.
I can see the intention with this thing, but there are too many limiting factors for its idealized use. Even for a beginner, I would not recommend this. Better grab a pair of dumbells and get the movement patter right rather than getting the fundamentals wrong because you are training on a shaky stool.
What in the world is the point of a squat movement that you can only do 70 percent of your bodyweight with?
Ideally, they lower the pulley starting position as well. It needs a cutout in the middle that starts with a deficient below the feet
70% of your body weight?!? First, that's an arbitrary number. If you weigh 130 lbs, that's 91 lbs, while if you are 300 lbs, it would be 210 lbs! That is quite a large difference in weight tolerances. And that leads to the 2nd problem, at a maximum of 70% of your body weight, this would only be useful for beginners.
Great example of the lack of cable length for those CURLS FOR THE GIRLS
@2:26 Game over baby, you’re done😂. Hilarious.
Love it Luke!
why not doing the curls on your knees ?
Unique piece. I DIY'd a version about 2 years ago just like it, but mine pins into my rack and uses my UPS
Would love to hook this to my lever gym bottom pulley or my trainer stack, but its just too expensive for what it is. I would rather do a DIY belt squat on some plyo boxes. Unless going light this thing doesnt look safe.
Too many limitations for belt squats and I don’t find a lot of value in the other movements since you can do those with a loading pin or u-clips on a dumbbell.
Seems like it should have some weight horns on the device
$349 USD… That's a steep ask versus 2 plyoboxes and a dipbelt. 😂 For only squats it's a no-go. Maybe it's worth for unique types of exercises it offers.
Good review, I share the same thoughts for this one!!
Thanks for the review, LGG!
I bought a imitation flywheel off Alibaba that looked similar, and was a similar price – it is a better option if you want something like this – this thing has too many limitations and risks
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