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Designed for the next Metal Gear Solid game but mainly used for Football simulations. Why did Kojima even want the Fox Engine?
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I wish they'd open source the engine for everyone to use if they're ditching it.
This is still one of the best looking engines I’ve seen. It was so perfectly optimized.
I played MGSV on my Xbox 360, and it was one of the best looking games on the system. It's a damn shame what Konami did.
criminally underused engine
I'm still impressed for 2015 game graphics. On 4k tvs it looks still amazing to this day.
Great engine that was, i build mods for PES16, fox engine's always been, awesome.
Wasn't it first seen in the now cancelled METAL GEAR SOLID: RISING "Lightning Bolt Action" ?
God damn was i hyped for that game..
great insight, man! thanks!
omg why not make mgo on fox engine with workshop?
Your voice reminds me of that guy who worked at Destructoid.
this could do wonders for vr games
We need Lapsus to leak the glorious source code of this engine.
I remember when the first leaks about the fox engine were talked about and I was just blown away how good it looked; this was WAY before UE5 was a thing and before UE4 had reached its maturity. Its a shame that Konami were such idiots and killed it off, they could have easily rivaled other engines on the market.
They really should release this tech as free and opensource. People could really use it to make games.
Another thing is that the phantom pain had two open worlds, and ran at 1080p and 60 fps on the ps4 and Xbox one, and was also only around a 30-40 gb file size.
Imagine a Metal Gear in the Decima engine
Metal Gear GZ/PP
Sad. I wish Kojima's studio bought the rights to Metal Gear, or even Sony, it would be much better than in Konami's hands.
If Konami hadn't done something stupid, the Fox Engine might have become a rival to RE Engine.
I would never call Fox Engine a Konami engine, Metal Gear a Konami game.
Such a tragedy. I truly believe this was the best engine ever developed. Godly lighting and performance. Snake's back muscles clenching as he crawls in the hospital hall was insane.
scrapped as in every trace deleted right? They won't even release it out in the open as abandon ware.
thank you, this gave me closure
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain was really the only full AAA game that was developed on this engine.
Bummer they can't release it for the public.
Like, imagine making an engine for years for it to be used privately and any good games made on the engine are either incomplete or outright cancelled, or used for just shit games. Literally a bruh moment 😢
Playing MGSV TPP in 2022 on PC and you can really appreciate the Fox Engine and see just how much potential it had. It is almost criminal that this engine only got used for one MGS game and a few soccer games then was shelved after the Kojima and Konami split… never to be used again.
This engine would was pretty much made for MGS and would of been amazing now with about a decade since it launched. It really is a shame.
Rockstar RAGE engine and konami Fox engine are the most impressive engines imo
i hate universal game engines (unity, unreal engine)
its probably not even that they bad by the self but they make devs so lazy
feel sad for the engine , it worked perfectly on potato hardware
Indeed such a shame this powerful time saving engine was wasted away. Aside from mgsv and pt it's sad seeing the engine used for shit games
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