How does an Electric Skateboard work?? We CUT a Boosted Board in HALF. This was not fun to cut in half because it is such a fun toy!
UPDATE*****Winner for Boosted board has been announced in this video on Shonduras Channel:
We bought this Boosted Board on Amazon, this video is not associated or sponsored by Boosted Board. You can view it here via Amazon affiliate link:
We had a blast riding it at a skate boarding park but the board got pretty beat up. Longboards and especially electric longboards are better to ride on the boardwalk at the beach than a skate park.
Thanks to Shonduras, the biggest name on snapchat, for hanging out with us, it was A BLAST!!! Subscribe to his Youtube channel:
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WARNING: Riding skateboards can be dangerous. Cutting into live wires or touching Lithium Ion batteries can be dangerous. Doing these things should only be attempted with adequate knowledge and training, and under constant qualified adult supervision. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that any project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK. Remember our motto “We cut things open so you don’t have to.” so we do not recommend you try anything we do.
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Me:wood or battery or motor
What’s inside: breaking in half a boosted board
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