From Mac Miller to Juice Wrld, these musician’s tragically predicted that their life would be cut short.
This is, Musicians Who Perfectly Predicted Their Own Death
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2
Also, the idea for this video was inspired by “Grunge” who posted a video on a similar topic in July 2018 titled “Musicians Who Predicted Their Own Deaths” You can watch their version here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY3NbeoY7tY&t=47s
John Lennon died of getting shot in New York not a overdose ?
Missed the craziest mac miller line in self care…
"Swear the height be too tall, so like September I fall, down below, so now i know, that the medicine be on call." He died of an overdose in September.
Most of these are self-fulfilling prophecies.
The power of the tongue! What you put out into the universe comes back to you.
Honorable mention: Liam Payne’s lyric “I was always gonna, live fast, die young”
If can bring back three of these artists what would you pick
how about chester bennington
The line from biggie. " I swear to God I feel like death is fucking calling" is from his song suicidal thoughts and its about him giving his suicide note on the phone to friend and then killing HIMSELF. That song doesnt count as prediction of his own death. Also I was a heroin addict we all thought we were going to die because very few of us make it threw addiction alive. Not a single person I used heroin with is alive today. All of them but me and my wife are dead. So it mot unsual for a junkie to think they are going to die soon and predict their death.
How the fck predicted so fcking perfectly XXX Tentaction
sunnyv2, you suck bro
Juice WRLD said it in so many songs
How did you learn about unreleased juice WRLD music?
I miss Juice Wrld💔💔
Something I noticed about John Denver is that his sone Rocky Mountain High appears in the movie Final Destination and a plane crashes in that movie and the same thing happened to him
Juice WRLD also predicted his death on his unreleased song “Confide”. Its genuinely a great song, js eerie bc of how he died, yall should check it out frffrr
Ideas for songs don't come from nothing, if a song writer has an idea what could happen to them, it's not a coincidence, it's that they know something is wrong with their life and there is risk in their activities.
alexi laiho?
None of these were perfectly predicted. Hell, not predicted at all. If you’re living a lifestyle of drugs, gangs and violence then you’re gonna end up dead sooner or later. Literally has been said for decades. You’re either going to end up in prison or dead
How is Liam Payne not mentioned he predicted his own death in 1D's song Story of my Life
im suprised layne staley isnt on this list, he knew he was going to die for the longest time
Gustav Mahler was also a huge believer in the curse of the ninth, in which composers would not be able to reach or surpass their ninth symphony (the most famous one being Beethoven). After he wrote his eighth symphony, he wrote another orchestral work called Das Lied von Der Erde, and nothing happened. Thinking that he escaped his fate, he wrote his ninth symphony, and died shortly after
Viktor Tsoi (probably the most famous Soviet/Russian rock musician) finished recording his eighth album in 1990, with the last song telling people to watch over themselves, as tragedy could strike any moment
He died in a car accident just 2 months after finishing the recording. The album remains unnamed (colloquially known as the Black Album), and his band separated shortly after
Clearly, you don't understand what Happiness is a Warm Gun is about.
I think this is the first time I've hear Sunny say a curse word in a video.
Happiness is a warm gun is actually about drug and the gun is a syringe
My personal favourite story is that of Scott Hutchinson of Frightened Rabbit. He released the song "Floating in the Forth" in 2008, with the lyrics:
"So you just stepped out
Of the front of my house
And I'll never see you again
I closed my eyes for a second
And when they opened
You weren't there
And the door shut shut
I was vacuum packed
Shrink-wrapped out of air
And the spine collapsed
And the eyes rolled back
To stare at my starving brain
And fully clothed, I float away
Down the Forth, into the sea"
Almost exactly 10 years later he killed himself by drowning himself in the Forth. That song kills me every single time.
I'm not a musician, but I don't think I'll live to see 19
I didnt know all these soundcloud rappers were so emo… Literally give them a black emo fringe and then read the lyrics again.
Aside from Lennon and Hendrix, these were all pretty cringe tbh. Felt like the third one was planning his death too tbh. Like he lined that all up to die as he'd describe 30 years to the day after Lennon.
I love how sunny doesn’t say the full swear word at 7:58 , but then just says 9:57
Wise up, they're not predicting their deaths they're giving away how their scripts end lol. I'm not buying it. If they fake NFL they'll fake anything that makes money.
This is sad that they all died because of bad people and rip to all of the musicians who died and great video SunnyV2 :]
Lynrd skynrd???
Sold their souls man. That’s what it was
i invite all of you to ISLAM wishing nothing but paradise for you.
How to live forever
– Become a rapper
– Don’t predict your death
Is it predicting or manifesting?
nobody cares about that dope head Juice WRLD
How did y’all leave nip off the list
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