Starcraft 2 Modders made their own NEW RTS game in Unreal Engine 5 – IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre Review

IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre is a brand new real time strategy game (RTS) among the incoming games like Stormgate, Tempest Rising, and Zero Space.

Its developed by Sunspeargames which initially was a group of Starcraft 2 modders who made their prototype in the SC2 Engine.

In Early August they had a playtesting event for their Alpha, here’s my thoughts on it and more.

Instagram: @BrobdingBrain
Tiktok: @BrobdingBrain

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Table of Contents
0:00-1:00 Background
1:01-1:12 Graphics
1:13- 1:36 Zoom level & Scaling
1:37- 1:52 Art Style
1:53- 2:08 Details & Silhouettes
2:09-2:23 Favorite Looking Models
2:24-3:05 Readability Concerns
3:06-3:47 Sound Design
3:48- 4:07 Pathfinding
4:08-4:19 Responsiveness
4:20-5:42 Game Design – What’s new?
5:43-6:20 Protoss Vibes?!
6:21- 6:56 Game Design Impressions
6:57-7:06 State of RTS Genre
7:07-8:20 Will RTS ever be Great?
8:21-8:44 NEW RTS for SC2 Players?
8:45-9:43 Disappointing Game Genre
9:44-10:31 Verdict
10:32-10:39 How to Try this Game Out

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@BrobdingHighlights December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Update 7/20/2024 :
This video was made before StormGates , ZeroSpace, and BattleAces Alphas / Beta came out.
So I might sound harsh in this video, but now that after trying those three I prefer this one over the others.
@1InVader1 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Everybody seems to just recreate SC2. In recent memory, AoE 4 was the only one mixing things up a little bit (it's still a lot like AoE2 tho).
@Penrose517 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
This game looks like it has the same issue a lot of the other up and coming ones are having... the races are not iconic, they're a slurry and hodge podge of just... stuff.
@GEE_BLACCK December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
As a StarCraft lover, Gates of Pyre blew my mind. The faction diversity and hero customization bring a fresh layer of strategy that even StarCraft hasn’t explored yet. It's like SC but evolved!
@francis9523 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Coming from the future, I'm here to say that Gates of Pyre is actually a cool RTS game
@Talentaire December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Great commentary!
@YuYuYuna_ December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
I disagree with the "targeting the SC2 playerbase is a bad decision 'cuz they're old now and don't have time to play" shtick you're going for.
There's a damn good reason why there's a ton of new RTS games being developed nowadays and it's because there's still a decent enough population playing SC2 (and other RTS games) and people still have a craving and hunger for high octane multi-level decision making while also having to show a masterful understanding of your unit controlling mechanics. SC2 was the most popular and successful for the longest time for a damn good reason and people compare new RTS games to it for that reason. Just having an RTS about big army vs big army and little to no actual unit micro, splitting, backing up and reforming a better position, harassing with drops or split off sections of your army, etc. that style of RTS game bores the hell out of me. SC2 was the only one that has managed to keep me not only playing it but excited to get better. It was just a "memorize a bunch of strategies and min-max my efficiency at timing them perfectly" game, it was a "do all of that AND perfectly split your marines vs banelings while sieging up tanks/widow mines while macroing the next wave of units while dealing with harass at your 3rd/4th" game. I like when RTS games focus on the multitasking and unit control side of things more. Games like Age of Empires, C&C, even Stormgate don't appeal to me. I get the frustration of every RTS being compared to SC2 to a degree but it's for good reason like I said. SC2 esports was literally what spawned Twitch TV into the streaming powerhouse it is today. If that doesn't tell you enough of just how massive SC2 was loved and just how popular that style of RTS is with a broader audience then idk what to tell you. Every other RTS game that comes out very quickly fizzles out whereas SC2 managed to maintain and grow its audience outside of the smaller niche RTS crowd.
@YuYuYuna_ December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
7:15 Yes... literally yes. I wouldn't have the same time to play as when I did as a teen playing SC2 but I would still play another RTS game if it offered a "Starcraft 2 but with a unique twist and unique and exciting units" experience for me.
7:50 This question confuses me. Do you think that RTS games are or should aim for the audiences of tactical FPS games like CSGO or MOBAs like Dota 2 and League? Those are audiences that are worlds apart in their tastes in video games. League players aren't going to pick up an RTS game in their life time and FPS players if you ask them how they feel about RTS games they'd say "they're too slow paced and I'd have to play them for a long time before I understood them" FPS players like to pick up a game and just aim and shoot. Not calling them dumb they just prefer a much lower barrier to entry than RTS players are used to and same goes for MOBA players.
@hendrixj.8356 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Those voices will get old if you play enough
@MarkaNgamer December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
I'm rooting for this game and ZeroSpace. Stormgate is too cartoony for my taste.
@Itachii95 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
War Selection is best RTS!
@OutsiderXE December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
I don't need to spend years playing a single RTS. Just give me a solid campaign. I'll play through it, and then move over to the next one.
The Valiant did that.
@Romanian901 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
why are you using ai voice?
@ArksideGames December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
No campaign? = Fucking waste of my time
@ShayanNick December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
the question is what is new?! I just see another version of SC2 !!!!!! units are the same ! why you build a game looklike sc2 ! which is still is the best of best ! i prefer of playing SC2 !
@simmonslucas December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Stormgate will play well, but i want a good-looking game. LOL would be better if it was more realistic.
@hungmarin December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
How can i play this game, it is not on Steam yet
@TheNashPhoenix December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
That leap into "RTS developers should not get feedback from the players" is just dumb LOL
@TomasAPayer December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Age IV is doing better than expected tho
@Eudaimonia239 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
I used to play sc and sc2 and currently I am in my mid 30s, as much as I love those games(they are my favorite games of all time) , the RTS genre is a niche genre and that wont change anytime soon(deal with it) . all these silly attempts(and gimmicks) to draw new people in is misguided in my opinion, you will only be able to do it if you change the formula so much that it stops being an RTS altogether. So the best bet they have is to remain within their niche customers and just try to make the experience as fun and bonkers as possible(they should also stop pleasing the competitive bros and esport crowd, let the game develop naturally into that if its good enough like what sc1 did in the early days) . Also stop trying to emulate and copy blizzard games, like they were the bible of RTS games, I feel those games already exist and by trying to emulate them by the opinions of misguided fanboys , studios are narrowing their vision and scope, instead of innovating into fresh ideas, and then they end up shooting themselves in the foot. Just my 2 cents.
@nakiamou5354 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
We still play rise of nations which is a 25 year game or something cause we still can't find a better RTS to play . That's how bad this industry is doing!!
@CaptianSwan December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
"Any resemblence of a faction where theres known ambivalence towards them"? My guy every faction has haters. The people of the world don't all hate protoss.
@Susanoo0097 December 19, 2024 - 6:48 pm
Actually me and my friends played starcraft 2 a lot. But currently starcraft 2 has different problems, like blizzard being blizzard, as they compleetly abbandoned sc2 scene. SC2 players want a game that is supported and expanded upon by the developer, so we will be all jumping into stormgate when it releases. as for the other point about many games being released. In this case competition is good, because the developers need to try their best otherwise majority of the playerbase will stick with just one game. What rts as genre struggles with is the onboarding. As you mentioned its not a game about controlling one character, and i would assume 90% of people have basic understanding how to play fps game (wasd to move, mouse to look around and shoot). RTS require compleetly different skills which arent taught that well, making a lot of players not even bother to try because "its too hard, i dont know what to do". I have faith in frost giant that they will deliver, and already their kickstarter is a success.

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