I visited one Italy’s very best Pasta Factory : Monograno Felicetti. Litterally blown away by how much work goes into such a tiny pasta… Skillshare: First 1000 people to use this link get 1 month free trial: https://skl.sh/alexfrenchguycooking01221
After having had a truly eye-opening dry pasta experience at “Cucina Luciano” in Rome, Italy, I decided I needed more. In Luciano’s kitchen, as he was cooking Pasta Aglio e Olio, I noticed the brand of pasta he was using : Monograno Felicetti. Turns out they are based in the north of Italy, which is surprising in the pasta world, but they are super legitimate. In fact, they are considered to be amongst the very very best Italian pasta makers (pastificio). So, I decided to go and pay these guys a visit. That is when I realised how pasta is really made, and how tough my journey might be to try and make some Dry pasta myself… These guys have been making pasta for over a 100 years. “Auguri” like they said 😉
Big thanks to Riccardo and Paolo for having me !
Monograno Felicetti website : https://www.felicetti.it/en/shop-pasta-online/monograno-felicetti/
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Director, Author, Host & Camera : Alex
B-Camera : Thomas Toti th4image
Editor : Joshua Mark Sadler
Producer : Eva Zadeh
Planning a foodie trip to Paris ? Here are my favorite spots :
Once again, beside a super cool dive into the pasta subject, you convey us the passion of these great makers, the Felicetti family! We are now longing for your studio to turn into a pasta factory 🤓
Well done Alex, Italy and Italians, you are loved.
correct revenue rather than maximized profit is an admirable notion.
Industrial pasta for the price of an artisan pasta, not worth it. I think La Molisana is better, €2.3 for the 1kg package (the one in the video was 500g). You can get a 500g package of amazing artisan pasta for €3.4, roughly the same price.
Italy is one of the few countries in the world that has managed to transform its typical food into a product appreciated and consumed on a global scale. Congratulations to my ancestors who maintained the quality of the products as a reference for the export of the Italian tradition. 🇧🇷🇮🇹
Che bella serie.
Finalmente si fanno video su queste piccole attività pregiate.
We could do with a little bit of your passion (Alex) in our country (Scotland). Social, ethical and wonderful. Lost for superlatives for the Felicetti family. What an example to the food industry. Brilliant video and so informative.
I thought they are cooked before the drying.
I don’t like industrial pasta anymore. People should try a real artisan pasta (bronze die / natural dried).
I love this video.
There is a process to drying at the right temperature that is a healthier product.
This is a statement that an Italian living in America, told the viewers of his youtube channel.
Is this true? that the temperature for drying is important to ensure or refrain from toxicity?
Alex this was a great show! Your enthusiasm is what keeps excited to see your new episodes.
No eggs in the process?
The way Italians care about there pasta is almost a religious way of looking at it…I learned a lot about Italian cuisine over the last years and the inovations surrounding pasta making throughout history,are all to realy contribute to the consumers rewarding experience of enjoying a loving meal…belissimo👌🏼(is that the right term?)😊
For anyone in the UK, Felicetti make a lot of Marks and Spencer's pasta. It Is a lot cheaper to buy their pasta than find Felicetti branded pasta.
A beautiful and fascinating video. What an amazing “rabbit hole” Alex is leading us into!
I finally was able to found Monograno Felicetti pasta in my City, Xalapa, México. I had to pay like double the price but im excited to try it out.
I love how honest Felicetti is: "No, this is industrial pasta, but with the rules of the artisan."
This brand is $10 per packet in Australia, but their is no substitute for quality.. I always use monograno!
Top brand
I need work
you are speaking for millions of voices in the wilderness that would have otherwise never known they were right
That look at 13:55 says so much!
Zi missing piz of mai pazzl😂😂😂
N'importe quoi, of course there are 100 bars in Paris! 🤣
How long one dye last I wonder.
I’m Chinese and once I discovered monograno I cannot eat normal pasta anymore.
Such a fabulous vid! Award winning in my book.
I really like the sound composition and your accent. I'd like to go to Europe someday.
After watching this series and all the work Alex did I have to go back to this guys wise words and smile when he says “good luck”.
So just water? No eggs? Great video btw thank you!
The editing and music of the pasta making machines around one third into the video is superb, nicely done. 🙂
I love the energy of you guys. The CEO has a social vision, the plant manager wants to make good pasta and you landed there by following the advice of an exceptional cook.
And the enjoy you for wanting to learn – well, they doubt your making pasta, but they love to show you and the world their expertise.
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