#GranTurismo7 #PS5 #PS4
Gran Turismo 7 (GT7) Technical Review Comparison on PlayStation 4 vs. PlayStation 4 PRO vs. PlayStation 5. Game Size, Loading Times, Resolution, Graphics and FPS Test
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0:00 Game Size
0:15 Loading Times
1:10 Resolution and Graphics
2:44 Side by Side Gameplay Comparison (with FPS)
7:33 Side by Side Replay Comparison
8:14 PS4 Detailed FPS Test
8:59 PS4 Pro Detailed FPS Test
9:44 PS5 Detailed FPS Test
Why the ps4 AMD ps5 look the same ??
Ps4 pro bem melhor ❤tenho ele top
Ps5 graphics is so terrible, I'd go with ps4 pro
Why have you decreased saturation on base PS4?
Hell even now ps4 pro stand up to even ps5 pro
Ps4 pro is quite impressive but the ps5 graphics looks more polished
my question is why does the PS4 Pro look brighter than PS5? is that just digital upscaling or something?
разница не будет большой, ибо игра создавалась для ps4. как в свое время GTA 5 создавалась для Ps3 и портировалась на другие современные консоли
can you do this video update with the ps5 pro??
Графика на ps 4pro лучше ps5 ?😅😂
PS4 pro: faster you need
PS4: help I’m in 59 fps
Ps5: shoot I have 58 fps!!!
So if i get a ps4 and change my tv display setting s i get the ps4 pro and ps5 got it 😂
Why PS4 Pro looks and sounds different?
Não se nota praticamente diferença entre a Ps4 e Ps5.
A maior evolução foi no tempo de carregamento.
Ps4 pro beat any PS console in SOny
Es idea mia o la ps4 pro se ve mejor que la ps5 en esta comparativa?
I got the ps4 pro its amazing console.
Pretty game
Ps4 pro always looks impressive in comparison videos and I'm happy to have one, but details in ps5 is something else.
My advice if you’re living under a rock and can’t afford PS5 buy a PS4 Pro because PS4 Pro is almost related to the PS5 but more power.
Такое чувство что между пс4 и пс5 только разрешение экрана лучше стало на пс5.
А пс4 про уже более красочная в графике.
PS5 the best
😂PS5 垃圾
Allen Susan Rodriguez Dorothy Lewis Mary
Descupa é fps
Por que não motivo omodo desenpenho ps4 pro ai vc comsiguia 120 fos
I got the pro . It looks much better
Pouca evolução em termos gráficos da ps4 para ps5.
A maior evolução foi em relação ao tempo de carregamento.
in reality, if you turned on hdr mode and tweaked up your colour saturation for the bog stock ps4, your not going to notice one rats ass hair of a difference when your actually racing. I mean the ps4 pro is probably the sweet spot, but i get almost similar results to all of these running gran turismo 6 on pc emulation upscaled to 4k.
Ps4 looks like Forza Motorsport, with the same aspect for color filter
Este foi o pior salto em termos gráficos de uma geração para a outra. Graficamente acho que os jogos não vão evoluir muito mais nas próximas gerações. A principal evolução foi o tempo de carregamento dos jogos.
Ps 4 pro more realistic
How does he record ps4 original at 1080p does he have capture card or something?
The lack of any motion blur on the PS4 platform is what turns me off from buying it. It's such an amplifying experience with the motion blur.
Weird how this runs at 60fps but Crash Team Racing is locked at 30.
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