Expeditions: A MudRunner Game reviewed on PC by Luke Reilly. Also available on Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch.
“Expeditions: A MudRunner Game certainly isn’t a replacement for the supremely addictive SnowRunner, but its more untamed wilderness maps and huge truckload of exploration-focused missions do see it function as a very worthwhile complementary experience – despite some aggravating mission gating and a bit of an unfriendly map screen. Its unique brand of slow-paced bushwhacking won’t ever be for everybody, but successfully taking a truck on a trek through terrain that the toughest trailblazers would fear to tread is still an oddly satisfying challenge that proves the journey is always more important than the destination.”
This game is so cool. I mainly play car/racing games only besides gta/rdr, and i was looking for a more chilled back, almost "cozy" car game. But naturally all car games are racing games. But then i discovered Expeditions and man, this game is awesome. Im loving it. I love how slow paced it is and there is no timer running anywhere on the screen. Plus the blues-rock soundtrack is god-material. Surprised you didnt mention that on the review
I wish they made a true 4×4 offroad game with trails like driving in offroad parks. Modifing trucks and being able to turn them into rock buggies and such. This game looks dumb.
I’ll buy it if the vehicle takes realistic damage. This is 2024 and that’s what I look for when it comes to driving games
The game needs to add npc in the game people ai 🤖 is like you alone working and you see no progress on the environment or more civilization
The only thing this game needs is a map with snow
Snowrunner is better than Expeditions. Expeditions just isn’t fun. The exaggerated physics of the trucks and the unrealistically slippery friction coefficient of dry rubber on rock is annoying. The top heavy Cotco waddles around terrain at 5 mph and yaws when confronting asymmetric obstacles like it’s got an open diff even though your locked in 4×4. I can’t help but realize that they have made this game for kids by including these annoying hoop jumping mini-games like hit the moving ball and lets focus a camera. Thankfully, the developers had a soul and do let the player completely skip these trivial mini games with no impact to the mission. After 60hrs of play time I find the entire experience monotonous and repetitive. Go to these flags on the map, now go to these flags, play this mini game, repeat. There’s hardly any vehicles to collect and even after recovering the most capable truck and spending every last dollar on it, you find it rolls over easier than a well trained dog. Overall, my impression is that this is a different development team that phoned in this game. Honestly Snowrunner was better and I would try to return Expeditions except Sony doesn’t honor game returns.
It’s on sale right now $5 on steam. Was going to get it but many bad reviews.
The problem is.. the vehicles feel as if they have no weight to them.. they just bounce off things. They had it right with mud runner.. got away with it slightly in snowrunner because there was less rocks..the engine sounds are laughable at times expeditions is just a let down for me
If you like this kind of game or think you want to give it a shot, get it on game pass or better yet, just get snowrunner. Snowrunner is way better. This game is just bonk. Should have given it a 5 out of 10, but that's ign for you.
Great new UPDATE!!!
The driving feels off compared to snow runner. The trucks are bouncier and turn way less
xbox one steering wheel support is crap
Allen Margaret Thomas Helen Wilson Donald
For a make your own path game it's very linear, and the maps are tiny as hell.
Excellent game 👌worth the price
Use binoculars at a high point which explores the area. You don't have to travel the area to complete 100%.
Game pass generals where we at
snowrunner was way better
Drive stranding
ahhh just like CORA 3
death stranding trucks edition
It’s a great game played about 4 hrs.
Quitzon Streets
Expeditions a mid runner game
Nooooot an eeeeeight…..
This game is unbelievably hard to the point that it get boring and tedious… So many situations when you almost there in your objective just to run out of gas or flip your vehicle upside down and not having the equipment to get it back running…. You going to struggle a lot just to get scraps not rewarding at all, to get an upgrade you really have to bust your balls… Snowrunner it's way more easier than this one…i believe, maybe? Lol
If you got threw snowrunner. There is nothing you can't get threw.
it's on sale for $5 and you've convinced me it's not worth my time
this game solo is BOORING!!!
Came here jst to comment that Ign u scummy bastards u have sexualism in your work place
Does anybody know if it's a better driving better grip better control of your driving and speed just everything much better than the original mud runner and snowrunner? Because they are really hard to control when driving the hell you hit something so easily and just breaks your car and you can't even be able to turn very hard or sharp or have decent grip on a high-speed and even high-speed feels slow
Does anyone know what music is playing in the background at the end?
Snowrunner roads have way more rocks than this game.
Not impressed at all honesty
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