This week on Semi-Ramblomatic, Yahtzee tries to explain to himself (and you) why he doesn’t like strategy games.
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XCOM also happens to be among my favorite games. Valkyria Chronicles is also right up there, as it's similar in a lot of ways.
You're apply tactics, strictly speaking.
Did Yahtzee ever review that one for Zero Punctuation?
I do hate party based RPGs for pretty much the same reasons Yahtzee gave for not liking Strategy games. For me a RPG is all about immersing myself into a character and dealing with the game world and its problems and challenges as that character, with its strengths and weaknesses. Being a disembodied group intelligence or guardian angel to a group of interchangeable characters and using them like tools in my tool belt by compensating ones weaknesses with another one's strengths defeats the whole point of a RPG for me. I'm not playing a a role anymore and not immersing myself into one character.
It really sucks that there is this supposedly near perfect, universally hailed and applauded big blockbuster RPG in the form of "Baldur's Gate 3" everyone is raving about and I am excluded from enjoying it because it just had to be one of those party based non-RPGs.
RTS however are a totally different genre from which I want different things and thus I have no problem "hovering" over stuff there.
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