The Xbox 360 marketplace is closing down next week, marking the closure of another legacy console that kicked off the internet connected era. So now if we stroll through the cemetery we have the Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, and now Xbox 360. BUT, the PlayStation Store on PS3 and PS Vita is still kicking. Except.. this thing is just falling apart. Games are missing, filters are broke, and we’ve got almost 400 games that are delisted. Let’s go over the state of the Store, and maybe even discuss why Melissa keeps kicking her favorite toy underneath doors that she can’t access.
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#PS3 #PlayStation3 #PSN
are you able to redownload content ?
Look I'm just happy at the fact that a lot of the old PS 3 game servers are still up and operating like I was just playing GTA4 online and then red dead redemption And then a couple of my call of duty Games But the moment that PlayStation shuts down all the servers I'm gonna lose my shit
i have a vita
I am such an idiot.. I could not find my PS Plus games in the store download section. However they are in the account setting: Downloads..
Huh. Dynasties Warriors Gundam reborn is missing
2006: web based store
2008: we finally get the ps store app added to our home menu.
2012: new custom menu layout with buggy and choppy performance
2024: falling apart. I love the PlayStation but I feel this console went through hell and back over the years.
Did someone online say ps5 is piss five bad?
I tried buying sonic DX and it won’t let me
Some of the prices are goofy too . NBA 2k18 for 59.99$ still. Dec 2024
Why is there now only like 11 games under PS 1 and 50 games under PS 3?
These are mostly no name titles as well
I have a ps3, I remember all the good times I had with the ps3 playing with it, I was playing with my ps3, but that was then, and now, my ps3 died, it's now old, it just actually died, it has an issue that the hard-drive got expired, I miss the ps3, but now I have a ps5…
Just bought the last of us digital version. Not sure but my ps3 running this game sometimes I notice some textures are missing, or tooling too long to load. Anyone can say if that’s normal on disc version ?
Sony's lack of communication is becoming increasingly obvious. And it isn't just the fact that they're putting the PS Store on the PS3 on life support, they've been repeatedly ignoring their own consumers altogether.
Plus, I know this is gonna sound off-topic, but Sony seems to be far too disinterested in making a new PS Home for the PS4, including the PS5, the latter of which has so much potential, especially for PSVR2, but not only are they deliberately holding back on their important resources, they're not putting the PS5 to its fullest potential. It would've been a huge successor and a really good sequel to PS Home. Instead, they're become too over-reliant on having streaming apps on the console itself in which they're basically never used, especially given that 4kTVs/8kTVs (including smart TVs) already have apps of their own WITHOUT the need to download them individually. Nebula Realms fill in the gap for PS Home, but it just feels utterly lacking and doesn't have the same feel with PS Home.
If Sony continues to ignore their fans, then this will mark the end for Playstation as a whole.
Bruh when they first said they were closing it I went on and downloaded all my stuff on a tb hard drive. Took 3 days and was one of the worst experiences I’ve had with a console online in a while. I don’t remember it being that bad when I used to play it before the ps4 but man it was bad. I used to just use that app but they removed all the ps3 games which forces you to use the console now.
I wanted to buy the Buried and Die Rise DLCs for Black Ops 2 cuz they were the ones i dont have but wasnt sure if the PS3 store still worked. Since it still is working i might give it a go
My bet is that Sony is slowly but surely killing the store. That way when they do decide to pull the plug, no one will complain bcs it was already useless. So, instead of delisting, they're "hiding" the games.
I can’t buy anything on my ps3, I added the wallet funds and it is still asking for my card details since I purchased something on a different console last. How do I fix this?
There are a few games (and usage) my ps3 services for me. I dont see myself buying anything else for it, but ill be highly upset when I can't download from my list. I certainly won't be adding more disk space. (Glad I got the Mass Effect legacy on ps4 cause they were one of the last games I purchased but never installed… as an example)
The old psn store the original when I first got my ps3 was way faster and easy to navigate the ps4 new system store that made it to ps3 also if you know you know is super slow and I never liked it
i just bought every Little Big Planet Level dlc before the shut down of LBP
Thats also why PS3 is better then xbox360 because the store is still running. <3
i also can confirm that the bug with "japanesse" search is a thing since 2015-2016. so its not a bug that just appears it was alwas there because i noticed this when i made my japanesse and hong kong account.
im from europe and there is a little bit mess in the store like the filter for ps1 classic and ps2 arent there anymore but you can find ps1/2 games if you are searching for it. Japan and Hong Kong seems ok so far
PS3 is still a thing WTH ahhahhhaahah PS5 all the way baby
I live in Australia and I’ve been buying ps1 games cheaper on ps3 store for $7:55 compared to ps5 store for $14:95
Ps4 is the only I know that plays littlebigplanat Karting
Wait, some of those ps2 and ps1 classics are not available in ps5, if i bought those title on ps3, ist gane appear on my ps5 and i can download it play it?
i play ps3 daily and can say the modding has become so toxic and advanced with RCE ps3 will die soon…..</3
I just got a PS5 Pro and signed into the same Sony account that I used for my PS3 but I don't see any of the digital games from my PS3 library in my PS5 library
Th uk store started to break when ps4 came out, became so slow and almost impossible to use for a very long time
I recently did the jailbreak on my PS3. No regrets.
Every time I try to sign in to my PS3 with my PSN network password. It tells me I need to create a device setup password. But I still can't sign with my PSN account password. Why?!
I just got a PS3 slim, thank you for this video..
I’ll keep my ps3 running for og resi 1-4 and ff8 till the day I die or it does!
Hey @MysticRyan is Alice Return to Madness and Digimon All-Star Rumble still available on ps3 Uk Store?
The disgusting thing from ps3 to ps4 you are having to pay to play on psn. You paid for a ps4, paid for the game, pay for Internet/Bills in the house & then they had to add another extra cost. It's ridiculous.
This is the reason why most people have no moral issues with pirating and modding if the games where more easily available people would buy them. on xbox 360 and 2/3ds the only way to get games is to mod your console and pirate them or pay way more than retail price to an ebay scalper. i personally have a modded 3ds and ps3 because i dont want to lose the functionality of the things i have bought.
hopefully ps vita and ps3 store stays open for another 5-10 more years. Im still going through and buying some digital only games here and there just in case it does shut down
Has anyone been able to log in the psn store on ps3? Everytime I go in it signs me out multiple times.
I just bought a ps3 yesterday!! Luckily I buy physical and they are pretty cheap for the most part
I wish Sony can reduce the prices on these games and add ons. I wanna get the dlc maps for Black Ops.
they are running out of ways to kneecap it. Sadly it was much better than anything they offer now
Europe is getting really bad too now, i can only browse about 40 games.
With those prices PSN store on PS3 and PS Vita aren't worth it, Sony should do some sales or simply close them.
How has Sony not closed the PS3 store yet? Seriously, every one of their counterparts did it without blinking.
I really wish I could still download silent hill 2 and metal gear 2, 3, and the twisted metal games. Twisted metal is still on the store but it's broken and i had to get a refund, but the others are just gone.
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