#indianajonesandthegreatcircle #xbox #xboxseriess
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on Xbox Series S, technical review, graphics, FPS Test and gameplay.
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QUESTION: Did you have the high texture pack installed when you played on the series S??
Do not buy anything from Xbox not while they defend these woke cry baby devs insulting they customers
It's time to reach them a lesson we have the power it just takes people not buying they games and cancelling gamepass , vote with your wallets people , do not give money to people that hate you
Is Xbox series s still worth it to buy now? Because series x is not available in my county rn and ps5 has expensive games so I don't think about buying that.
You need an i7 cpu on a PC
Everything graphical can be optimised. But CPU intensive tasks cannot
Se ve muy bien pero si hubiesen puesto un modo calidad a 30fps se vería mucho mejor
looks like shit on xbox
i would like a 30fps quality mode
did you install extra hd textures?
Eh looks like a last gen game, I played sherlock homes the graphics are the same.
What is the resolution though?
Se ve un poco borroso 😢
I cloud stream it it runs fine.
Waiting for Steam Deck
a prove that UE 5 is killing games
Justifies buying an xbox? Isnt everything an xbox and you can easily play this without an xbox? Dont see how anything can justify buying an xbox at this point. They killed xbox.
Nintendo or Xbox?help me
Nice trash game on xbok
Machine Games are the ones to praise …. Not Bethesda. Just my opinion. Good video.
Killer application
1080 ti can't run the game
Series S is runing it
On xbox and pc and coming to ps5 in 2025
the shadowmaps poppin in is crazy, hope they fix it.
I was hoping to see the gameplay with the direct-to-monitor recording just like the thumbnail of your video. I would have liked to see how it really looks on that monitor and not from the capture card. by the way. When you capture your S series console, what resolution do you have by default on the console? Since I guess if the top of the game is 1080p it would be better to place the console in that resolution to have a better definition than to rescale it to 4K, right? i just checked that with forza horizon 5 and the game looks different con 1080p compared to 4k, it looks way sharper and better on 1080p and it looks more like blurrier on 4k, you should check that.
Really like your videos! Great voice. I don’t think you actually need the long gameplay at the end tho, the coverage with you talking in the background is already good enough.
Would be nice to have more in-depth on the visuals and details you can gather. It can feel a bit light on information on stuff like this.
Why would you do an fps test in closed maps and half of it inside a goddamn a cave?!
Machine games have been dping miracles on console since 2014, so no surprise here, I'm glad.
What an interesting console, after seeing the pc spec demands, i was worried this would be a 30fs game for ss players
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