#MBCWORLD #SNSD #SOOYOUNG #Reveal_My_Star’s_Life_The_Manager
각국어 번역 자막 제작: 컨텐츠 제작의 마무리는 컨텐츠플라이! 글로벌 진출을 위한 최고의 파트너, CONTENTSFLY에서 제작되었습니다
All stars gym buddies
If sooyoung stare at me like this i apologize and leave
Behind the fit, slim nice body of actress/idol, so many efforts & sacrifices 😮😢😅
why are they wearing a mask inthe gym? I will feel that I have a lack of oxygen exercising with a mask
Boss yang so mean 😂 (I'm on a diet too so I feel them)
That was sooo great seeing A-listers kicked back, working out, enjoying each other's company, and having a good time. You Actors and Trainers work so hard for Me and my Firestick. Thank you.
I would love to have a trainer like Sooyoung's trainer. I would be so motivated to work out!
they train wrong here. at the first machine they doing hte reps too fast .
Ok, can't lift so much weight but a dancer by formation like Sooyoung what needs the most is body fitness, stamina and elasticity. 😅
As usual boss yang teasing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hyojoo is so lovely
Trainer annoys me the way he talks to others is rude. He's being mean to be "funny" but its just a chance for him to be an ass with no consequences.
what show?
초록색 옷입은 안경쓴 아줌마 왤케 쳐내보내는거냐 얼굴도 보기 싫은데 듣기싫은 소리만 하네
Coach is funny guy. Hyo joo is funny. I can relate with sooyoung, i am so lazy and not good at working out.
Boss yang ❤❤❤
im gonna kill my couch if he try to do this to me😂
Le poids est trop lourd pour Sooyoung , surtout si on est débutante , je le fais aussi le sport mais au début c'est dur de lever plus de 10 kg
Do step up and drop set or CrossFit
I need someone to keep me accountable too. Lol!
Omg my 👑 sooyoung… Plz eat more.. 😊😅
There are so many things I could say that the trainer was wrong for, but most of all it's the fact that if you don't eat properly and get enough nutrients the the workout itself is useless. The body doesn't have the fuel to get stronger. You must eat more when you work out, not less. You'll actually lose fat and gain muscle by working out properly and eating properly.
Elas são muito escandalosas, parecem que fazem de palhaçada. O personal também parece dar mais peso do que elas conseguem pegar.
Mask inside gym strange
They are so skinny, especially sooyoon omg eat food pls
Why are people still wearing masks in Korea?
와, 운동 안 하는 그녀 좀 보세요. 재미있네요. 노래나 춤 얘기도 하지 말자. 태연의 이미지에 매달린 생활은 이제 예전만큼 방문 횟수가 많지 않죠?
Wow look at her not even exercising is interesting. Let's not even talk about singing or dancing. Living hanging from the image of Taeyeon no longer brings you as many visits as before, right?
If soyoung who don't gain weight can't eat that mean the others members are starving 😢😢
Oh my sooyoung Han Hyun jo and the actress one are friends.,,my gosh I love this❤❤❤😂😂
Boss Yang!!!!
bien joué ! bien fait ! elles n'avaient quà faire tout ce qu'il a dit et même au delà et il leur aurait offert un festin 😋
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