The most objective way to review something is by asking this: what is the most prominent aspect of this piece of media? Then you review that, instead of trying to quantify a bunch of details that may not be important in the grand scheme. That's why you can say that Nintendo games are a masterpiece, despite the fact that they aren't reall known for making good stories.
man of steel was a really great movie dunkey! the action was so good compared to the other atrocities DC has come up with lately! i was actually on the edge of my seat the first time I saw it! i mean okay the plot wasnt so good maybe, but those fight scenes and CGI deserve some credit for sure.
A new part in this series would be fascinating. As social discourse has skewed cultural discourse, reviews have become grounds for tribalism, and sites like IGN absolutely feed that fact for engagement. I don't think they'd post reviews beyond a score these days otherwise.
On another note, that final point is what I believe ultimately defines whether a critic is 'good' or not. Discussion of flaws should be contextualised in the greater discussion, rather than being their own points, unless they are particularly egregious. When I was a film critic, I had a publicist tell me the reason they always invited me to screenings and gave me interview access, despite the fact I worked for a small site that covered a wide range of topics, was because my articles reacted to the work without getting emotional. That Mario review does the opposite in the worst way. The guy lets his frustrations shape the review, then ends with a reaction to the work that reflects the zeitgeist (all Mario = good Mario) rather than his actual opinion. And he got paid for it, presumably. It's not only lazy work, it's entirely without value.
I did find it weird that the Crash Trilogy didn't you the option to play the 1st game with the quality of life improvements/additional moves added with 2. Mainly the slightly looser controls, more forgiving jumps, ability to slide, and the body slam.
Not sure if it was intentional or not, but at 0:21, Jason referred to "disconcerNing" and the google pasted box below has the word "disconcerTing". Also I looked it up to make sure, and "disconcerning" actually isn't a real word which kinda fucked me up and has me questioning everything I believe in.
My favorite thing about Dunkey is how concise he is. This topic could easily have been an hour long, carefully dissecting the topic and building a case with evidence. Instead we get snappy editing, one liners and good writing that gets the core of the argument accross in under 10 minutes. Perfect
I dont understand peoples hesitancy to rate things lower than 7/10. Its not just critics, but even among my friends. if i say a movie or game was a 6/10 they assume i mean its complete garbage when i really mean its above average.
Marty Sliva absolutely incinerated in this video 😂
Damn bro really been out here breaking shit down in the comments that's sick
The most objective way to review something is by asking this: what is the most prominent aspect of this piece of media? Then you review that, instead of trying to quantify a bunch of details that may not be important in the grand scheme. That's why you can say that Nintendo games are a masterpiece, despite the fact that they aren't reall known for making good stories.
this video was meh 9.2/10
dont you dare talk shit about norbit
man of steel was a really great movie dunkey! the action was so good compared to the other atrocities DC has come up with lately! i was actually on the edge of my seat the first time I saw it! i mean okay the plot wasnt so good maybe, but those fight scenes and CGI deserve some credit for sure.
7:16 gojo
Did dunkey ever escape the gombo dimenson?
Im now here wondering why people treat game reviews as gospel
Two words: sonic unleashed
When they give Sparking Zero a 7, I came back to this video.
I just realized he called the multiplayer bad on that mario game yet he said it has a little something for everyone. well obviously not
At least Middle School Connor knows that Specter Knight is peak
1:31 Yeah, I'm like that too
Preach! Turn Based Combat is a waste of time.
Uematsu must have loved Armond White. I'm playing FF6 and his theme is playing all the time!
0:57 Where is this music from?
Corporatizing game reviews is where it all went to shit.
This is always topical
Second Wind's Mary Silva!
A new part in this series would be fascinating. As social discourse has skewed cultural discourse, reviews have become grounds for tribalism, and sites like IGN absolutely feed that fact for engagement. I don't think they'd post reviews beyond a score these days otherwise.
On another note, that final point is what I believe ultimately defines whether a critic is 'good' or not. Discussion of flaws should be contextualised in the greater discussion, rather than being their own points, unless they are particularly egregious. When I was a film critic, I had a publicist tell me the reason they always invited me to screenings and gave me interview access, despite the fact I worked for a small site that covered a wide range of topics, was because my articles reacted to the work without getting emotional. That Mario review does the opposite in the worst way. The guy lets his frustrations shape the review, then ends with a reaction to the work that reflects the zeitgeist (all Mario = good Mario) rather than his actual opinion. And he got paid for it, presumably. It's not only lazy work, it's entirely without value.
Dunder is right about how you dont have to see eye to eye with a critic you like, cuz I actually like the majority of Sonic games
3D World is way the fuck better than 3D Land; what are you even on about?
8:42 Music name?
I hope someday dunkey's soul will be rescued from the Gombo Dimenson
Hello from 2024: This video is still painfully, absurdly relevant to superlative degree. For real.
Middle School Conner is now College Conner
I did find it weird that the Crash Trilogy didn't you the option to play the 1st game with the quality of life improvements/additional moves added with 2. Mainly the slightly looser controls, more forgiving jumps, ability to slide, and the body slam.
The meltdown game critics had when this video dropped was so embarrassing, and also was a wake up call to not trust game critics
Damn this was amazing
I honestly like the Prince of Persia movie, it's entertaining. And the ending is fulfilling, not a complete dogshit waste of time.
6:15 it wasn't doable at all, since native fortress wants to fuck with my sanity.
Have you watched Man Of Steel?
Oh shit
Is Studio Ghibli like the Nintendo of movies??
Wait watch Ranma 1/2 first before you disregard Rumiko Takahashi’s work 😭😭 Inuyasha is ok, but Ranma 1/2 is special
Not sure if it was intentional or not, but at 0:21, Jason referred to "disconcerNing" and the google pasted box below has the word "disconcerTing". Also I looked it up to make sure, and "disconcerning" actually isn't a real word which kinda fucked me up and has me questioning everything I believe in.
My favorite thing about Dunkey is how concise he is. This topic could easily have been an hour long, carefully dissecting the topic and building a case with evidence. Instead we get snappy editing, one liners and good writing that gets the core of the argument accross in under 10 minutes. Perfect
And now IGN gave Animal well a 9. That's kind of endearing not gonna lie
Seeing all the same game journalism companies that seethed at this video now give Animal Well glowing reviews is the best full circle moment.
I like West of Loathing turn based combat.
I dont understand peoples hesitancy to rate things lower than 7/10. Its not just critics, but even among my friends. if i say a movie or game was a 6/10 they assume i mean its complete garbage when i really mean its above average.
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