Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, who were married from 2005 to 2015 and share three kids, reunite on Nov. 28 to serve Thanksgiving meals in L.A.’s Skid Row neighborhood.
#jennifergarner #benaffleck #enews
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Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Reunite in RARE Photo While Serving Thanksgiving Meals | E! News
Badman and Badgirl are at it again!
Badman Afflick needed s boost to get backup on track that's why he tricked Jennifer Lopez into marriage at her international famous expense! Shame on you Badman Afflick!
Where's JLo
She's the wife that let's him drink. Jlo got sick of his booze tripping.
He was a fool to let JG go.
Happy that Daredevil is back after Deadpool said sorry to Elektra.
Have they given any of their Millions to help Homelessness. I still can't understand the level of selfishness and lack of gratitude of Hollywood 😢
Adore you 💟 Jen! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family ( :
Ben couldn’t live the jlo lifestyle. He looks much happier now. Now remember it didn’t work against second time, so no 3rd times a charm.
Stop with putting all the blame on Ben women, as though he's the only ONE that doesn't sin😅😅😅😅
He looks rough!
Jennifer Garner, stay friends. You deserve soooo much better.
Ummmm what about her boyfriend wasn’t he with them it’s a weird relationship her boyfriend is hardly ever mentioned
Ben realizes that he messed up!! Love is deeper than the surface. Keep smiling❤
That’s what family is about…lasting bonds…just true love and friendship…nice…❤❤❤🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🥰🥰🥰⬆️⬆️⬆️💯💯💯
I luuuuuuuv Jennifer Gardner beautiful inside and out ❤❤❤😊
Ben Ben Ben smh u lost the one the actual RIGHT Jennifer 🙄🙄🙄
This is so stupid. They did not reunite.
Jennifer what r u doing in US?
Too bad he ruined a good thing. She’s a fine lady.
I guess it is too late to take another trip to E pstein Island.
Molly you in danger girl. Run
I bet they end up together again.
Stay with the one who puts up with your demons. No one else will
The one place JLo wouldn't show up to ruin dinner.
They didn't reunited because he is always at her house! They are friends and have 3 children's to care for.
Why is the narrator giving chills vibes?
Ben Garner Affleck and Jennifer Garner Affleck ❤
I hope Ben and Jen remain great co-parents and friends at this stage of their lives. Jennifer doesn’t need the extra chore of being a parent to Ben.
He is for the streets
i like this for them
The bigger narcissist, l don't believe anything in Ben Affleck 🤮
The bigger narcissist, l don't believe anything in Ben Affleck 🤮
She seems beautiful inside and out. She was the right Jen for him all along. I’m glad they’re spending more time together and he looks way happier than he has been in a long time! Wishing them the best 🙂
That was unexpected
BEN, you found out the hard way… The grass isn't GREENER!!!
Love you Jen-G!
Ben an Garner are good parents Ben looks great without Jlo
Side eye.
Cute ❤
Every RICH people Billionaire and Millionaire should Build like a YMCA where homeless people can go to Bath 🛁 eat sleep and so they don't have to be on the street sleeping 😴 why is that so hard to do! I know why because of Corruption and Corrupt politicians and Governor! AND RICH people who will not see any return on their money that they will spend! Souless
God Bless you Both 🇺🇸💓✝️
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