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Hope I heard wrong but according to a video I seen the super bowl called Lil Wayne cause Drake allegedly told them he'll sue if they allow Kendrick to perform and bash his name? If true that's messed up. It's clear there's lots of hating going on concerning Kendrick. Wayne acting like he has all the right to surpass Kendrick just cause he's from LA. Not saying he don't deserve to be in that number but they picked who they picked. Last thing he should want is to get that position the wrong way….. Basically snatching it from another artist or due to politics. Instead he should of congratulated Kendrick.
As for Kendrick's album it's evident his ENTIRE album is outstanding and in my opinion it's one of the best work I've seen in a very long time. He's not playing patty cake with anyone. Clearly not with the fakeness. Rather walk alone then to submit to that type of energy. Gots to respect that.
So my question is who's going to get that super bowl position?
This is starting to remind me of MJ & EM 🤔🤦🏾♀️
white comedian? Andrew Shulz
Almost like a Black mom telling Drake how to act as a Black man
Posting before I hear you but I skipped over every other reaction cause I thought you might catch shit I didn't
Tv off and Gloria my favorite
He making everybody go back to listening to lyrics instead of a bullshit
Andrew Schultz was the comedian he was talking about.
0 skips
Makes you listen word for word🎉
This is not it
He’s still working
He’s on his own wave 🎉
Kendrick is in my top 5 easy 🎉
The whole album is🔥
Nah, that part about apologizing and calling a truce was to Cole and his Port Antonio EP. And that part about him letting Wayne down. Remember Cole said he think he let Nas down. That was tongue and cheek. The whole album fiyah
Andrew schulz is the comedian
all do respect yall gassin somethin its not
Geminis stand up POW 🌬🌪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥☄️🌋🌏
Somewhere pac is smiling because a real picked up the torch, keep giving it to them Kendrick , till they ask is you hiring…
Kendri is right, we need to check anybody talking down on black, that's not black, we need to close our circle. Liked it better when they didn't fu*k with our culture…
james and fahad interview with andrew schulz
Truth of cvid the shutdown and now AI nobody should have a chill disposition. Kendrick not playing to the masses.
It sounds like he’s talking about Gary Owen on Club Shay Shay show a few months ago.
Drake is the white comedian 😂😂
He talking about Andrew Shultz
Aye yooo i had to come to a real black mans page… 99% of black people are 🤡 with these reactions! Stay a mature black man brother all love and peace💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
Your teeth àre beautiful powerful black man
I'm calling it now. Kendrick is gonna drop another album after the Super Bowl.
Don't let black rappers talk about white comedians, that's law. Round and round we go w/the race shit. #shanegillistherealest but if it's #andrewshulz ya'll can have him we consider him black, he not like us.
Yo ya really be feeling home boy? Like ya don’t hear how he sounds? Corny he just a spot light for now this dude won’t last… stick to real hip hop bro
You look like a perfect blend of Michael J. White, and Michael B. Jordan.❤❤❤❤
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