HEY! Are you looking for a comprehensive guide on how to edit super smooth transitions in premiere pro? You are? Then you’re in the right place baby!
Update! After the huge response to this video, I’ve created a whole bunch of presets to make this even easier. Head to my website to check them out: https://www.storezar.com
Thank you guys so much for the INSANE support recently, I love you all. This vid took me like 2 weeks to make because I had so much to show you and say. I’m gonna leave the links to the respective people I got them from, as I don’t want to give it to you acting as if it’s mine.
PS: If you use Vegas, I still love you.
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🎵 Outro Song: Childhood – Sam Gellaitry
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For business enquiries please contact: contact@finzar.co.uk
#howto #infotainment #premierepro
Thanks for watching How To Edit Smooth Transitions & Import Presets (Premiere Pro)
(Glitch and whip ones) https://www.cinecom.net/designer-packs/20-glitch-transitions-premiere-pro/
(Glitch one, the third I showed) http://bit.ly/2YnbuUA
(Link to the video if link doesnt work!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVN8HVYjs6I&t=15s
(Ones I used that I didn’t explain) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tdREA-tGFz_EKFgXW3NCNWHJDrrkiq9k/view
(Whip woosh swoosh) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVlgn7vGJ0I
(TV glitch sounds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7FS_VMyVEc
(I won’t tell you how to download those, but you probably already know lol.)
RizzleDigz (you should know this boi by now): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF7dnZtMm_3jUHACaVL5JSQ
Adventures 2 u (A travel channel with memes? Awesome edits, go check em!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeyOfaOvcrhg65GiAMhxNCA
Immediate Bang (in my example, fantastic gaming channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW7w65JhQLfq6I3D9phjJBA
Learn to edit the SMOOTHEST transitions on YouTube in my brand new editing course! Available here! 👇
annoying slow it down! this is not club! you try to teach ok?
4:44 whaat gane is that
Hi, how can I save the created transition as a preset with all the sound? Is that possible?
Fin…zar! This transition tutorials were so helpful, I’m gonna play these to a crowdfunding video for short film. Thanks a bunch!
If I ever meet you, first rounds on me 👍
wtf is this shit, i just want to know how to use them, instead i get overwhelmed with stupid effects that have nothing to do with what i came here for
Can I use your courses and presets on DaVinci resolve?
Very nice video…
At first, I come for learn. Now i stay for the vid. Really entertainment and education
how do you deal with vertical projects?
thank you!!!
watching this exactly after 4years
My Hero ❤
Bro I've never enjoyed watching a video editing tutorial as much as I have watching this! haha great content man
Hey! Thanks for the introduction video!
The "sponsor" bit in the beginning had me ready to skip ahead…I ended up laughing very loud in my break room. Well done lol
Do you have a full tutorial of pr of whatever editing software on Trenf
God give you strength!
Liar can't download presets!!!
Ain't gonna lie that's a lot of effort for one single transition, especially as a noob, I get it for short vids but for 1h-30min long ones that much effort for just one? Sheesh XD
I can't decide if I learned or had fun, maybe both 🙂
Banger. 🎉
it's not even smooth…
Thanks man!
thank you FINZAR
hey. see I can follow the Instructions🤭
This video is a masterpiece 😊
great video
bro i love u
really great and helpful video. Where do you find you effects sound?
gichii chn
i don't even have premiere i just enjoy watching these
this is a terrible tutorial. went to fast and didnt explain shit or how to view shit
i dont even have adobe but these sre so good to watch!
those mouse brick scrubbing sounds :D:D
Woah I actually had no idea about the drag just video/audio features, thank you!!
But didn't you say that you'd provide us with presets that were free? I can only find presets on your website that cost something.
This was one of the most helpful yet entertaining tutorials I've ever seen. xD
tysm very useful and easy to understand :d
L A Y E R I N G go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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