Making the same game in Godot, Unity and Unreal.
Cowboys, bottles and ragdolls yay
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Now try again now. There are many changed
bro ngl if u are a really good game developer and will explore cryengine will make the best game for u
Something that almost never gets compared: how does the engine handle complex games, and team game development. Games that get large with many assets, a large codebase and many developers working on it in parallel.
This video is not really comparing engines, but your skill in using those engines. The scenes could be made to look much better in any engine with more work.
Great job on making games in 3 engines!
skill issues
Unreal is the Apple of game engines. It's different just for the sake of being different, people worship it because it "looks shiny" and it must be good because [INSERT AAA STUDIO] uses it.
Nailed it man.
dont worry, unity's bad thing has arrived 😭
Now I know what game engine he blur in the thumbnail.
The modern Oddworld games prove Unity games don't have to "feel" like Unity. Those games look pretty phenomenal, if you excuse that the controls need more QA time.
But then again, I remember when Unreal 3 games all seemed to look the same. Then Remember Me came out, which in my opinion was the best looking Unreal 3 game.
But it just goes to show that, in the right hands, the engine you choose shouldn't matter.
Unreal seems to be the Starbucks of game engines. Can I have a large coffee? Oh you mean Venti?
Bro which one ate more vram and gave more FPS?
Godot users! To fix your shadows, select your light source (directional light, spotlight, whatever), go to the "shadow" section, and enable "Reverse Cull Face". Bam. As long as the normals on your meshes are correct, you now have nice shadows.
Love the editing btw 😀
i don't even care about the youtube video. HE HAS A DEATH RACE FOR LOVE POSTER INSTANT SUBSCRIBE
"The Godot shadows are..the worst thing I've ever seen"
This needs a redo with Godot 4, to see how much the default shadows improved.
5:14 💀
The difference is in community tutorials and the tools they give you of the gate. It's best to prototype in unreal then convert it out to unity or another engine so you're not being creatively limited.
I just wanna say i laughed a lot 🤣
0:07 That was a clip taken out of context
I understand its not always the engine, but most bad game on mobile gaming store is made with unity, like 99% of them
you cant say that you dont know the feeling of a poorly made unity game more often than other engines it may be the ease of access and low barrier of entry but i feel ive played more bad unity games than any other kind of bad game
My high school geometry teacher has an issue with raycast vs linetrace. It's literally a ray. You can't call it a line and then say one direction of the line. That's what a ray is. Who named that so desperately wrong?
2:40 this is the most unprofessional way I have have ever seen to import a skeleton mesh to Unreal. Kids, this is why you use Autodesk 3dsMax and not Blender. The rest of the video was cool though.
This was fantastic, and funny as heck. Using primarily Unreal Engine, I laughed HARD at the naming differences!
Music from the 6:30 pls????
the monkey with glasses in the background is a vibe
Unreal is good … but not if you want to make some indie shit … because you can't really turn off all the AAA crap, and if you do try to … things that should look good AS IS will end up looking worse than in MS Paint ffs. That's why after 2 UE4 games im learning and moving to Godot lol
I think he blurred the wrong word in the title of the video 😂😂😂
Godot is the best,if you are a good programer
Active Ragdolls in Godot are the fucking worst. I'm not even sure it is doable.
I think from this video's release, Godot has had a lot of improvements and we're nearing a stable 4.0 release. Ofc, Unity and Unreal are up there on 3D, but I think Godot has gotten much better than 7-8 months ago.
Hey man could you do a video on the Halo switching to Unreal Engine situation
"It's trash because it was made in unity"
Imma let those people in on a little secret, you wanna know what was also made in unity?
O u t e r W i l d s
If you've played the game (and you should, it's fantastic), you're probably as astonished as I was when I found the information.
I would love to see the differences in performance
Why do these videos by indie devs and small content creators always seem to have such a spiteful tone towards unreal? Anyone makes a comment about unity's limitations and they're instantly making videos defending it, saying how it's just as good as unreal whilst throwing digs at unreal every 2 sentences
So which one allow me to make a rts with 200 units moving at once OR making a really fast movement platformer combat that i already made but i want to make it a 3d game now instead of 2d i just want to know which one is easier to learn
In short: It not about the engine. Its about what you enjoy creating. Pick one engine. Use it. Learn it. Have fun with it.
If every engine has the same capabilities the difference lies in how easy the engine is to work with, not necessarily how the game looks and feels.
Obviously you cannot have Lumen and Nanite unless you're using Unreal but if you're not using any engine-specific features you can make the same game in any engine.
Just as fyi, Unity's a pain to work with, Unreal's hard to learn in terms of blueprints but easy to navigate and understand, and I haven't tried Godot but it's so basic it's better for 2D than 3D.
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