——– LINKS——–x
FREE INTRO to GAME DEV: https://www.gamedevrocket.com/create-your-first-game
GAME DEV ROCKET: https://www.gamedevrocket.com/
——– PLAY——–x
UNITY Game: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ylKuz0kl5Odljiw0OUFNC9qGO2qi29sN
UNREAL Game: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xtco1kiptxso2ja/AABnca03BCi–rYg_ZDNHNBja?dl=0
GODOT Game: https://dafluffypotato.com/static/fileshare/dafluffypotato_10min.zip
——– CREDITS——–x
Moonleaf Studio: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=moonleaf+studio
Halve (Moonleaf Studio Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1906430/Halve/
Gorka Games: https://www.youtube.com/@GorkaGames/videos
DaFluffyPotato: https://www.youtube.com/@DaFluffyPotato/videos
Edited by DualWielded: https://www.youtube.com/@DualWielded/featured
0:00 – Introduction
0:28 – 10 Minute Projects
3:26 – Free Game Dev Course
3:52 – 1 Hour Projects
7:10 – 1 Day Projects
11:46 – Reactions
15:16 – Outro
Which game engine takes the crown in your opinion?
And remember that if you also want to learn how to make games, you can watch our FREE Game dev course right here: https://www.gamedevrocket.com/create-your-first-game
I was hoping they would try to remake the same game in all three engines, not this 😂
I feel the unreal games are always so cheap, even when compared with the default or free assets made in unity. Godot guy made some really nice things
how do I get unty
Get closer to your Mic bro
Yaranaika face on Godot sent my sides into orbit.
bro sure editing in cave
unreal won this one because of its power to achieve such realistic details in a crunch, but best game was definitely dafluffypotato's
The 3rd made a more unique game, which seems like fun to play… BUT I'd still prefer #1 or #2 because the graphics are so much better, which to me is important for first person horror games.
Watching this while im taking a shit
my N
Which asset pack did you use for the forest map?(UE)
can i make game in a crappy pc where i barely get 40 fps in some lego game or 60 with so many lagspike or even freezing in pixel game? (roblox and minecraft)
i just want to have peaceful and smooth gameplay :<
whats the diffrence of talking infront of camera, and talking without a camera?
my opinion is… that the first option is stupid and waste of data and some editing. (+ people are okay by listening)
im talking about all over platform.. so dont judge
Me: cannont make a horror game in 3 month
Some youtube guys:
Saw many comments saying they liked the godot game better and I, expecting the only game to be the 10 minute one, I thought they were trolling 😂
However, seeing the 24hs games I have to agree that I liked godot's 24hs game more (although it may have been an issue of taste)
Let’s gooo fluffffffyyyyyyy🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊
do scratch
Guys how do i make potato's game work T-T
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