Follow the dark, twisting path of corruption that led Neyrelle into Nahantu.
Learn more about the next chapter in #DiabloIV straight from the developers.
#VesselOfHatred arrives on October 8.
#ps5 #ps5games #ps4 #ps4games
Le jeu est vraiment mauvais parce qu'il y'a une connexion obligatoire pour jouer au mode solo, puis les serveurs sont facilement débordés puis déconnecte pour devoir recommencer une bonne heure, rien que ce faite, ça ruine toutes les bonnes idées du jeu pour continuer à jouer.
Pure garbage.
Associate Narrative Designer aka DIablo is now DEI detected trash game. rip diablo.
Great sign, bad experience.
I bet she gives great helmet
Pretty useless game tbh
They need more in the regular realm especially wheb getting mythic items its virtually impossible unless you got a group to help you out…
Diabolical IV
Only 700$ 🎉
They are destroying this franchise with these fillers
So basically it's The Lord of the Rings.
Present 4 Hours
Video games
People still play this game?
This looks really cool but why does it cost as much as the base game? I’ll buy it when it’s half off but charging $70-$100 for additional content is excessive
Imagine playing this trash when Grim Dawn exists. 👀
Who else says this should have been a free update 🤦🏻♂️
Go woke go broke 👍😎
I’m sick of these totally unscripted, stiff and cringe dev updates. Especially from slimy teams like Blizzard. Pretend as much as you like, the lack of passion will always shine through.
I'm playing spirit born and i'm going to restart the campaign.This is going to be awesome.
4:45 "When the world stone was forged and Sactuary came out of it"
Man, they cant even get the lore right in a fckn lore teaser video. The world stone wasnt "forged" by Inarius or any of that. He merely used it to create Sanctuary, many millenia after its creation.
DEIBLO 4 is soulless. I’m trying to play it again now and feel horrible playing it lol. Like it’s making me stupid somehow
We need exclusive games sony
how many trailers do we have to see about this game everyday? 🤦♂
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Dear Blizzard, your competitor already offers more promising content with the prize of….$0.
Cool I wonder what will be next for this game after this expansion cause I think we get 1-2 more after this and hopfully more brand new classes.
Path of exile 2 is coming boys…
another upcoming fail next to concord and starwars outlaws 💀
Diabla. Thats the problem.
Looks awesome 👍
Dei hire thumbnail
For a game so decisive and blizzards internals going ons with how staff are treated it was really bold to call this vessel of HATRED
this game is DOA ..
More garbage
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