This video counts down the greatest games for the 8-bit Atari 5200 console as voted for by the retro gaming community.
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Me being a judgemental, my opinion is the only one that matters, jerk aside, here's my thoughts as a kid who got an Atari 5200 in summer of 83, played it as my primary console until 1992 and the Genesis, and still plays 5200 games on actual hardware to this day.
Tempest is probably the absolute best game for the system. It was a prototype completed and polished up in the 2010s and released via AtariAge. Played via the trackball controller, it is second only to its arcade counterpart in sheer awesomeness. It is probably one of the best arcade to home ports of all time.
Centipede on the 5200 with a trackball is the best way to play the game other than the arcade game. It definitely deserves to be high up on anyone's top 5200 games list.
Star Raiders is absolutely incredible on the 5200, and probably actually better due to the 5200's controller and having all the functions in the palm of your hand.
Defender on the 5200 is another absolutely amazing port. It's only flaw is that it's too easy, but it plays like a dream and the sheer amount of stuff it throws around on screen was impressive not only for the time, for even compared to systems from a decade later.
Space Dungeon is another absolutely amazing game. I'd say the 5200 port beats the arcade game.
Honorary mentions to Countermeasure (absolutely baffling that it isn't on Atari 50), Joust, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man, Jr. Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man, Pac-Man Arcade, Qix, Missile Command, Galaxian, Rescue on Fractalus, Berzerk (just about arcade perfect), Pole Position, Popeye, Adventure II, Blaster, Millipede, Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator, Beef Drop, Moon Patrol.
Here are my late pics:
1. Defender
2. Ms. Pac-Man
3. Galaxian
4. Qix
5. Joust
These are the games, that I reach for first. But I really enjoy most of the library.
I have to admit I lusted after the 5200 when it first came out. The hardware looks great, with the sharp profile, metallic badge and rainbow lettering. Beautiful. But then I got one and despised it for several reasons. I didn't keep it long, especially once the ColecoVision and then the 7800 entered my life.
However am surprised that mario bros and popeye didn’t make into this list but hey atleast ms pac man made it into the list as well😁
My only wish is that atari did put in a keyboard and pheripheral connector along with a cartride adaptor sothat you could,ve play all your atari 400 games on it.
Am sure it would,ve sold more units.
Am mean both hardware systems are basically the same.
Lot’s to agree with, of course. Star Raiders and Defender benefit greatly from the multi-button 5200 controller, and Ms. Pac Man, Qix, Pac Man (ESPECIALLY Pac-Man), Missile Command, and Centipede are SUPERIOR to their 400/800/XL counterparts. Additionally, with a WICO controller, properly calibrated, the 5200 out-plays my 800 and 800XL on these games.
Great vid, of course, but I’m scratching my head on some games that made the list.
For other publishers, I also enjoyed Megamania and Miner 2049er. I played those two a LOT.
I did not see Lucasfilm games on the shelves during the prime of the 5200. I played them on my cousin’s C64 and once I had a 1050 disk drive for my 800XL I played them on that. The Eidolon wasn’t even offered on the 5200 but I liked that fractal-y game even more than Rescue!
Pac-Man was also given better treatment on the system as well.
The main reason Centipede for the Atari 8-bit / 5200 sounds like the arcade is they use the same sound chip!
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