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Hi i’m Joe, I have created this YouTube channel to show my progression from a skinny teenager who is sick of being skinny to hopefully in the future being more muscular and just better in general both physically and mentally.
If you do enjoy my content it would mean lot if you could hit the like button and maybe even consider subscribing. Thank you!
🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers, License ID: Mgj5W3DaO4a
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music:
🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Numb by Linkin Park, License ID: LAwd5XnLMn2
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music:
Im 16 years old boy, my height is 173cm, and my weight is 67-68kg, can you please tell me if i should lose weight or not, and should i do first arm exercise or abs?
Complete guide to testosterone by james Francis
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Been a minute 😅
Feel free to fill the gap with a fitting word, as I'm not a native speaker, and not with all the will in the world would I find a word that is lower than crap and would therefore describe my physique :)
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