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Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor’s degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017).
He has been featured on Fox News, Newsmax, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world.
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Copyright © 2024 by Mark Dice. All Rights Reserved.
⚠ Order your Trump Claus Sweaters here: https://www.markdice.com
…karma has a great memory & she never forgets an address…
No Charge
Been with Alex since day one. Imagine how insane people thought I was back in the early 2000s when I am not even an American. 😂
what would a person expect from abc & these 2 ding bats? yeah, lies & parody & fake news. well, go figure no wonder they like the dem party, birds of a feather. guess liars like & hang w liars. it's what they know. it's not spin, its perversion now & they cant see the handwriting on the wall. your lies have been too long, Truth is coming to exact it's toll. why do you think your ratings tanked & the common (common sense) american can't stand the crap you put out
Alex was tried for a nonexistent charge and then they railroaded him without a fair trial charging him a crazy fine for a nonexistent charge during a crazy unfair trial so he would go bankrupt–then then auction for his business was rigged.
I am glad they were finally exposed.
Sue the democratic party now
Liberals are so 2019 LOL ! Love it !
I haven't watched in a while. You are looking puffy.
5days ago just got the notification today
👁️👁️👁️Alex a realist l💙ve ya kiddo!
Judge said it's was illegal. 🤔
Those who spew bullshit are only accountable when they are conservative. When those who spew bullshit are liberal, socialist, progressive or communist, the eyes of justice or turned and the ears of justice are deaf. What happened to freedom of speech. Alex Jones wasn't calling for riots, civil unrest or violence or anything of the like and yet, the corrupt powers that be go out of their way to own him and own everything he has. The whole thing is a sham. Jones later recanted and said it wasn't a hoax, but that the shooting at the school was something that was purportrated by those within the government, ie the government knew the kid was going to do it and did nothing about it
I'm a combat veteran and joined a few months before 9/11. Upon coming home brainwashed; a good friend showed me Alex Jones and the rest is history. I almost killed myself like many veterans (22 a day). I realized the focus should be on evil; not ideology. I can bet my life that we are all on the same page with destroying evil vs whatever the dems say. Semper Fi and godspeed to all who agree
When MSM goes down Mark, you need to have your news network out in front and centre because YOU ARE THE NEWS! No-one does it better. I would tune in to you every day for my daily dose of truth.
Gay Frogs…bought Info Wars?
Without Alex Jones Infowar is worth "nothing".
He ruined people's lives
Slime ball Alex should be in prison
Yes we are !!!! You deserve Alex Jones🤣🤣🤣
If Americans came together you would be out of work!
Alex is looking good again
Why are the Onion executives excited. If they own it, nobody will watch it anymore. I guess they love losing money.
I don't get it, does he still owe entire India's GDP or not?
thats as good as real money, thats a IOU
So EVERY LEFTIST MEDIA CHANNEL can lie and make slanderous claims EVERY DAY and never be held accountable but ONE CONSERVATIVE that said some things the DoJ doesnt like and he is stripped of everything based on HEARSAY…..
The more fake media and fake justice attacks alex, the stronger his voice becomes and the more people follow him.
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