From Alex Eubank jumping on gear after years of condemning it, to Connor Murphy melting his brain with unknown substances, these are times loved online fitness influencers have totally destroyed their reputation
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big craig
Great vid, I’m binge watching your content this morning!
By the way, it’s a ‘whole lot worse’ not a ‘whole lot worst’ x
Bruh if my dad is representative of god the father I wanna be an atheist 😂
I love Elliot Hulse but a big issue that turned me away from his videos is when he started taking the “spiritual” route, he started talking in parables and acting like he was a spiritual guru almost over night. It was a really weird shift and his personality became very off-putting and virtually a polar opposite to his “Yo Elliot” content.
Used to be a big Elliot fan back in the day, but it was pretty clear he was on the path to lose his mind.
I love how people with privilege Throw it to the trash 🙂↔️🙂↔️🙂↔️
okay but that pre-workout looks fun
Elliot is thriving
In the beginning Alejandro Eubanco was authentic Mexican food but now he's Taco Bell.
My fav fitness channel big craig 💪💪
Im not seeing any "red pilled" grifting. Did you edit it out for time? Its just a guy bringing everything back to some non specified faith. Thats not "the red pill". These words have meanings you cant just say red pill and woke because you dont like them.😂
I follow a lot of fitness channels but not these people. Nevertheless, it's starting to piss me off that so many are having such a hysterical reaction. Reminiscent of a high school girl, you are actively participating in reputation destruction and it looks like jealousy. These are grown men and, as far as i know, are being open about anabolic use. Mistake or not (I wouldn't advise it), it's their lives. Their channels. Why not throw a fit over overweight influencers eating cakes.
For me the biggest and most painful downfall was murphy
is that yeats album cover at 5:20? 😭
How this channel have so little subscription
I never heard of any of these guys. Just started getting into Fitness the last two months though so maybe they were big.
Dylan was one of the only fitness influencers that I used to follow and look upto because of how honest and genuine he seemed but as a professional video editor myself, $180 for a 12 minute video is underpaying and outright exploitative and refusing to pay and abandoning any communication after your work is finished is just such an a-hole move. Such a shame.
“A man without principles is as a ship without a rudder — at the mercy of every wind and wave” Alex Eubank summed up.
Coach Kolton also made a video about Connor Murphy where he believes that Connor is the one who "deleted" Leo longevity.
It honestly broke my heart when Connor Murphy went insane, apparently it was all an "attempt to become gay" because he was sick of western dating standards, not only is it sad it's disturbing, between blackpill and the psycadeleics his mind aint right.
Love your content man!
I think we need a video dedicated the older youtube fitness influencers, guys like Scot Herman Fitness, Physiques of Greatness, Elliot Hulse, the Hodge Twins, Scooby, Big Jay's Extreme Fitness, etc. I used to watch these guys religiously when I first started lifting as a teenager in the 2010's and I can't help but wonder where are they now. Give us some nostalgia content.
I dont hate him
I used to like Elliot but I couldn’t stomach the things his new perspective on women
Goggins is a loser and a liar. What accolades? Dude basically never won anything despite competing in wn extremely noncompetitive sport, and the reeason hes famous is because a rich guy wanted a pet Navy Seal.
Connor Murphy might have killed Leo and longevity
Why aren’t you on this list
The editing is insane 😮
bro you didnt even mention connor murphy murdering Leo Longevity
Keep the videos coming 😍
The entire bodybuilding community are nothing but a bunch of narcissist's. People who constantly admit to insecurity and by doing this hoping for validation and for people to constantly look at them. They sit here an claim its about having a healthy lifestyle when more and more of them are admitting to taking steroids. Its all about ego pure and simple and i don't buy the healthy lifestyle narrative they try to push.
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