November PS+ Extra and Premium
0:00 – Release Dates
0:22 – Grand Theft Auto V | PS4, PS5
0:58 – Dying Light 2: Stay Human | PS4, PS5
1:44 – Like a Dragon: Ishin | PS4, PS5
2:40 – Stick Fight: The Game | PS4
3:02 – Overcooked! All You Can Eat | PS4, PS5
3:32 – MotoGP 24 | PS4, PS5
4:01 – Chivalry 2 | PS4, PS5
4:28 – The Sims 4 Island Living | PS4
4:46 – Killer Frequency | PS4, PS5
5:15 – Digimon Survive | PS4
5:39 – Clash: Artifacts of Chaos | PS4, PS5
6:05 – Hungry Shark World | PS4
6:24 – Games Leaving PS Plus
7:23 – PlayStation Plus Premium and Deluxe
Synapse | PS VR2
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain | PS4, PS5
Blood Omen 2 | PS4, PS5
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
#psplus #extra #premium #freegames
We meet again!
What ya downloading this month?
GTA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 after charging us full price 3x over
Resistance and Resistance 2. Outstanding.
So I wanted to play Dying Light 2 this month, the rest of the games are uninteresting for me, but man, DL2 is a more than 100h platinum… ok, no. I dont have 100 hours to spend in a game like that.
The only thing missing is legacy of kain defiance.
Don't leaving my overcooked motogp please please
Are these games coming in deluxe?
I have been all through playstation plus, I have Deluxe and I can not find resistance fall of man or resistance 2 anywhere WTF NOT HAPPY
Waiting for gow Ragnarok
Why the fuck is Resistance 2,3 and fall of man Only on Fucking PlayStation plus Streaming 😡😡😡
we need resistance fall of man 1 and 2 multiplayer back lol pleeeeeeeeease
This sucks took the only game off I play rdr2 definitely canceling my subscription now plus my friends on Xbox are playing black ops for free rn…. This subscription is a joke
I just bought gta 5…
Allways games, which just left from Gamepass. They rotate, xbox gets, day one to GP and when the game leaves year later, they come to ps plus
I just bought dying light 2…full price😢
We lost kingdom hearts and rdr2 for this???
Why I don't see resistance 1 and 2 they lied
What they need to do is fix when someone takes ya main account & u can’t play ya games u bought u & should be allowed to play them on ya second account if the data is on your external hard drive
Why they take off red dead redemption 2 🤦🏾
When will gta be 10$again???
The only good game in this month is killer frequency
Lies resistance one and two are not on ps plus for download what a croc
they took rdr2 for GTA V? when they already had GTA V on the subscription months ago……..
I don't know why but my ps4 say "can't connect to the server to verify the licence" to my gtav. Is it the server or my dumbass brain
I really appreciate the games leaving part . Thank you
Next game ideas
Spyro a hero’s tail
Legend of Spyro trilogy
Classic monster hunter games and world
Green lantern rise of the man hunters
Legend of the guardians
Generator Rex agent of providence
Spiderman friend or foe
Avatar the game (2009)
Shadow the hedgehog
Sonic adventure 1 and 2
Van helsing
Shrek 2
Nicktoons unite, battle for volcano island, attack of the toy bots and globs of doom
Spider-Man 1,2 and 3
Iron man 1 and 2
Are resistance 1 and 2 just for ps 5 alone or for ps4 and ps5 because I have ps4 and i want to play it soo much
I download san andreas from ps extra and now my game is locked why??
How do I get gta on ps5
Bro I just downloaded red dead 2 yesterday 😭
Don't leaving please i beg you
Don't leaving my gta 5 please please
Its 19 now and gta is not on my ps plus
Can deluxe owner play these games
Really debating canceling my subscription with PlayStation
Dying Light 2 is a dub
God this is why gaming is dying.
It’s not a good look when the guy you hired to talk up your selection of games talks more crap about them than good things. Like seriously Sony, what are you even doing?
why remove RDR2 😥😥😥
Hopefully December is better, this has been a very lackluster month
These games not free.
Like a dragon is £17 and dying light is a game trial. I thought these games were meant to be free. I have a premium subscription, very disappointed!
Wow, this overview of the PlayStation Plus Extra & Premium games lineup is awesome! 🙌 The breakdown of PlayStation Plus Premium and Deluxe options really helps with deciding the best plan. Amazing content, thank you for the detailed rundown! 🎮🔥
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