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Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor’s degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017).
He has been featured on Fox News, Newsmax, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world.
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Copyright © 2024 by Mark Dice. All Rights Reserved.
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Alex also funded Tommy Robinsons film silenced.
More and more I think Alex Jones is controlled opposition
Alex is almost like a modern day prophet. If he says it, its probably gonna come to pass. Wait 5 to 10 years. Everyone has to admit its truth.
Mark Dice and Alex Jones are Gov sponsored Co intel pro
It's like buying StarWars from Disney. Then calling it Disney StarWars.
That’s where I found you was the infowars show. Been following for years now. Love the content.
The "loophole" was that Alex didn't show up for his trial.
That fake judgment should be set aside !
When they take me out folks it's almost to late I'm sure that's a remembered quote
😅😂 fkin idiots 😅
Studio was returned to Alex Jones after Judge rules was illegal sale.😂
I'm surprised alex jones and Elon and trump all have not been arrested for treason yet
they have a harsh sentence for people that committed treason against the american people.
More fake news
The leftist malfeasance always backfires because they plot in evil!
I see the website is up and running.
The joke is on the judge.
RAISE HELL about this theft. "Mainstream" media have told FAR GREATER lies and have caused FAR GREATER damage than Alex Jones ever will!
I'm pretty sure that in the usa people have murdered many humans and got away with a smaller fine than 1.5 billion. Even Boeing got away with less when planes went down because of their negligence and possibly due to their DEI hiring. It just shows that what Alex Jones has to say is super super interesting: precisely because the system tries to stop us from hearing it.
Does anyone have a link to his new network?
Candidate Cia agent Jones has been comprised. 100 percent fact.
Thank you for sharing the truth my friend..
We cannot be stopped God is guiding the way to set us free from the control of dark ones the "Demon-crats"
The righteous will not be stopped those on a mission for God cannot be silenced and the more the dark ones try the more they reveal the evil of their agendas so glory to the new Golden age it's almost here 🙌 ✨️
If he launches his website on ICP smart canister contract then they will never be able to shut him down. It runs on the blockchain and decentralized network.
Well said. 🙂
A formal conspiracy is not necessary when interests converge
Free speech when everyone has seen 'sloppy sniper'
Judge gave back to Alex Jones after illegal sale
The Onion is a search engine on the Dark web..
@markDice I see you're still an Anti-Fat-ite. None of your sweater are above 2x, no shits or sweatshirts go above 3x. I would want 4x.
no it got sold/liquidated.
Thanks Gary ❤👍🙏
Infowars is up and running.
He exposed Sandy Hook, the emperor wears no clothes- it’s the age of censorship.
alex jones is a gate keaper a cia employee!!!!!!!!!hard to belive but true….
Alex ‘Horse Lips’ Jones 🐴
This was the turning point. When they banned Alex, that is when I knew they actively were testing to try it widespread. Weeks later, the censorship went to crazy levels and only recently slowed a little…
Lord wake your people up 🙏😭.
Super Trump Song lyrics:
( worship song sung by The Jerusalem Boy’s choir )
“If the whole world stands against us , and only Microesia is rooting for us
When the sons of Ishmael harm our land , Don’t you worry , Trump takes a stand .
Super Trump is Jerusalem’s Prince , Super Trump! To the sky he will reach , Hallelujah from the city of Zion, for our Lord he fights like a lion”
All part of the psyop ?
Mark I think you need a Shaky Hook T Shirt with $ signs pouring into it.Or out.
The Sandy Hook parents have made and are still making an egregious amount of unearned money ,after seeing the staged photographs of the children being led across the parking lot with the parents standing there watching , you could easily assume the whole damned event was rather shaky .
Alex hasn’t done or said anything wrong. He just pissed a lot of people off. Oh, well, that happens.
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