New Games November 2024 (and late October)
0:00 – Please leave a like
0:16 – Metal Gear Shadows
0:50 – Horizon Remastered ($10)
2:07 – Lego Horizon Adventures
3:08 – Towers of Aghasba
4:16 – Path of Exile 2 (FREE)
5:21 – Off the Grid (FREE)
6:56 – Warframe 1999 (FREE)
7:30 – Slitterhead
8:21 – Metro Awakening
8:51 – Empire of the Ants
9:26 – Speed Round
10:06 – DAD JOKES
New Games November 2024 (and late October)
0:00 – Please leave a like
0:16 – Metal Gear Shadows
0:50 – Horizon Remastered ($10)
2:07 – Lego Horizon Adventures
3:08 – Towers of Aghasba
4:16 – Path of Exile 2 (FREE)
5:21 – Off the Grid (FREE)
6:56 – Warframe 1999 (FREE)
7:30 – Slitterhead
8:21 – Metro Awakening
8:51 – Empire of the Ants
9:26 – Speed Round
10:06 – DAD JOKES
Clips Used…
Horizon Remaster – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNkC2BOaboM
Off the Grid – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZuZIwiFWDU
#freegames #newgames #bestgames
PlayStation Plus November 2024 – This Wednesday
Elite Dad Jokes today
I come for the list, I stay for the elite Dad Jokes
I know it isn’t in November but monster hunter wilds is about to be so fun played the beta right before it closed
Yea but for some reason they took forbidden west off ps plus kinda gay considering it’s an og title
The whole company is becoming a scam, controllers designed to break, overpriced digital games, the same games keep getting put on ps plus then taken off, the only games that go on sale are cheap or already on ps plus
Excited for poe2 since Diablo has been shit
I have the disc version and I can’t seem to get the $10 upgrade. I inserted the disc and even copied the game data and installed it. Any help?
metal gear shadows?
A scam.
A waste.
I just canceled my subscription.
They're taking your cash to produce dei garbage like concord and butchering other ips like Assassins Creed with woke garbage.
Fuq Playstation.
PoE2 got pushed back to Dec 6th
Off grid was free already no?
The thing that stop me to try the off the grid is, it's not on steam
It just feels like playing games with Epic is boring
We off the grid grid grid this for my kid kid kid
most of the game look amzaing and i cant get engouht of the jokes at the end great work and keep going
Now I gotta stay for the dad jokes
I stay away from anything BR. They milking that shi
3:20 that towers game isn't something id normally be into but I think I'll give it a shot feels very unique and we don't seem to get a lot of that anymore in a time of remasters and remakes.
MG Shadows kimda sounds like a sequal to Revengance
Sony cant match game pass so scared of it

Does the remaster horizon zero dawn apply to the complete edition
I thought Metal Gear Shadows or Assassin’s Creed Shadows got pushed back to February of 2025? Lol
so PS users do they pay for an update? whahahahahah
Horizon LEGO is way too tempting
Now I want God of War 1 / 2 Lego version.
Its Path to Exile 2 is early access?
Call me cheap but i am not paying 10 dollars for some “visual tweaks” over something i already bought
What about Arkham shadow and behemoth for the quest vr
I downloaded Off The Grid but haven't played it yet. Didn't know much about it beforehand but after watching this video I'm not as tempted to play it anymore.
Why no Nov essentials video??
What about the PS4
So tired of battle royal cant wait for gta 6 hope im still alive to play it
Little visual tweaks

you ain’t serious
Should say canadain price as well
I was listening at playback speed 1.2x seconds but slowed down to Normal for the Dad jokes

Well I don’t need any of these
Path of Exile 2 has been delayed until December
Verizon is not a new game you said nine new games, new games or games we have not seen before not remasters not remains not optimized for the PS five they have to be games we haven’t seen before otherwise it’s not new
Free to play game made by NCS more than holding its own against New World internum which is odd on steam. It’s failing I mean it barely cracked 180,000 people who wanted to play the updated all new version of New World. It may be doing better. I assume it’s better because they never got to play it but on PC it’s not doing shit, no liberty on the other hand is still holding pretty steadily in between 80 and like 150,000 people in the highest peak concert hours on steam and I feel certain that I’m consuls it’s even higher first
Play and AAA can be the same thing right they are butt loads of free to play games made by AAA gaming companies. AAA gaming companies are big multi layered corporations and they make all kinds of free to play games so do any companies for that matter. everybody makes free to play games because it is the most profitable game. Certainly, New World would’ve made nothing that it not cost an initial purchaseis a service failure so you know your game has to be decent and somehow it very frequently works out that way that the really good games are in fact free to play that you have committed because you made a purchase you feel like you have to play the game even though it’s not really up to standard
Off the grind is so ass worst BR ever played
I’m ready for LEGO Horizon, and I do wish for a LEGO Thunderjaw set.
No PlayStation 4 free to play games?
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