Learn how to scam sports card buyers using the selling platform WhatNot with the help of @blezpoker and @thronesportscards9420
I live on a quarter acre next to a Dairy Queen.
You can take the seller, LLC to claims court. If you do decide to buy from what not just record the buy on your phone so you can file a claims case with the court. In my opinion DONT BUY FROM WHAT NOT.
It’s everyone else not him
I am a Breaker on WhatNot (same name) and have pulled cards valued over 5 k raw multiple times. Wemby redemptions!! What not is an amazing community and there are good channels that never have issues. Check the reviews and happy ripping!!! ☮️
I really like your show.
Blez eats corn the long way
Throne sports ruins the industry for everyone else what trash
And you had Blez on there acting like he was a Cool Dude. He is not just a moron he is scammer!
I see Blez it is like that for him. What a Punk!
After I bought into a break and got an empty envelope from the breaker I started looking to see if it was a scam or an honest mistake and how common or rare it is so I would know how to approach trying to get my cards. I was surprised about a couple of things; first off how hidden the review section of whatnot is to see customer feedback on breakers, also how many breakers have multiple accounts and screen names that are very similar (eg BleacherBreakz & BleacherRipz, etc). Whatnot has a policy that they are supposed to have a range of sanctions from warnings, fines and bans if sellers engage in fraudulent or shady activity and if their rating falls below 4 stars. I noticed I. The reviews that these guys will have a few months streak of great feedback and then a couple reviews that didn't get all their cards or got the wrong cards or got the empty envelope or nothing at all. When it looks like enough that it might start dropping their rating closer to 4 the negative reviews stop and they become a perfect seller again for a while. I imagine they might rotate the scam activity to another username and do the clean sales on whichever account needs a boost in the ratings.
Anyway not a big surprise or complicated scam but it really made it clear how little protection there is for buyers on Whatnot, from rigging spins and giveaways to camera issues and price gouging I imagine it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I think there is a lot of value in doing something third party if Whatnot is dragging their feet on policing their breakers, even just collecting your interviews related to Whatnot in a public Google doc or something simple so buyers can research these breakers before buying something. I would be happy to help put something like this together if you are interested in talking about it let me know. Thanks for putting these videos out, appreciate your work 😊
I was in that thronescards break with the Bobby Witt 1/1 hat relic. I no longer trust him. He is also extremely annoying and starts complaining when he can't fill breaks. Seems like a complete piece of shit.
Now I recently won "about $70 of cards" from a breaker and they decided to just not send it since I didn't spend on their break. After talking to customer support they are sending me something, but the owner said he doubt it was $70 worth of cards. The video is still there lol. I'm waiting to see what they send me.
Good work bringing this to attention. I work in the sport card scene, but I’m only purchasing Pokémon through whatnot, and even in the Pokémon world there are whatnot sellers who scam.
100% scammer
LMFAO!!!! as if there are intelligent, intellectual, and Trustworthy boxbreakers???? ……Nah…
Haha I used to be very frustrated by you guys. But I've come around in a big way. I'm just sick of the "hobby" influencers or whatever you want to call them. And Blez is at the top of the list lol. Every time I see him talk a little piece of me dies inside.
The experiences I’ve ever had with our throne have been good and can’t complain. I’m surprised to hear that he may have done this, so I don’t know if I buy it if it’s just an accusation. But all I’m saying is I always got good vibes and never had an issue with him and how do we know the buyer never received the card? I’ve had a couple buyers on eBay trying to scam me and say they didn’t get a card.
My card was stolen giveaway item on Whatnot in the Pokémon section. WhatNot actually took up for the vendor that stole my card and said it wasn't mine. This company takes up for shady players.
That’s fraud and mail fraud that is punishable up to 15 years in jail. The FBI and USPS love cases where sportscard fraud is involved. I would tell anyone getting crooked in a shady deal like the missing Witt card to call them, You know sooner or later the crooks are going to put that card up for sale and that’s when they nail these scumbags
If you watch blez’s breaks, too often the open cards disappear off camera for a few seconds or get blocked from view of the camera. We know what is happening to freshly open packs while off camera; someone else is fingering through them quickly removing the big hits. What’s more disturbing is Blez and his breaker(s) also know this but continue to do it. Defending unethical practices, not full disclosing the relationship you have with the person your defending and very questionable breaking practices should lead everyone to the same conclusion; just another greedy crook sliming up the sportscard hobby.
Sports card collecting has the odor of a cult.
I'd pay to see Mojo kick your ass.
Hard to watch Blez break, they rush the break and likely mess up cards putting them in plastic
Actually if you complain or ask thronesportscards what happened he blocks you
You call Chad a moron, then use a clip of Jared with his shirt off. Great work, genius.
I have bought cards off Cblez many times I never had a problem with him he done the right think for me and my daughter always he even take money off the original price we settle on
What a piece of garbage this guy… is stealing from customers
Good info man one of those guys followed me but I only deal with people that do Good business. I don't want any negativity around my small business.
C Blez isn’t even a breaker lol
blez dont ship big hits eather
Idk if you guys are familiar with Midwest,but I used to buy into their breaks. Until the last time I bought into one of their breaks. I didn't really get the greatest of cards. But when you're getting back into the hobby,every little helps. But anyways the last time I bought into one of their breaks,my cards were supposed to come to my home in LA…and it made it to LA. But somehow also made it to New York. Rochester I believe before it made its way back here. I told Ben with Midwest,and he seemed about as interested in my issue as an atheist in Sunday school. I guess the point I'm trying to make its I'm really bored right now and decided to put my 2 cents in on the topic.😂
This has happened to me 3 times. Pay for the break get a auto hit and they dont send the shit you pull.
Blez is on the spectrum for sure. His self-awareness is non-existent which is one of the signs. It’s not an excuse for poor behavior obviously.
TRASH CONTENT WARNING! These guys are clowns trying to ruin the sports card industry is all they try to do in their vids.
Just buy your own cards. Buying into breaks is risky.
God, I hate Whatnot. It's a scummy scammy app
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