Movies To Video Games Reviews
Review #62
Batman Returns for the PC (DOS), is fully reviewed and analyzed as compared to the actual movie itself.
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Final score and break down of score can be found below:
They are on a 0-10 scale with 10 being the best score possible:
Story Accuracy to the Movie 6.5
(While there is no story per say, they do have a way of tying everything into the story via cutscenes, locations and video footage. You definitely get the Batman Returns feel here but there is no true story found. Just random searching and evidence sorting that gets you through the game. But you will understand that it is based on this movie with the way they went about it either way.)
Music Soundtrack Accuracy to the Movie’s 9.0
(The music is spot on here. Emulating the feel and soundtrack of the Batman Returns film perfectly. You have the triumphant theme, the background music and other elements off of the soundtrack setting the mood just right. If only other games in this series did it as well as they did here music wise.)
Game Difficulty 2.5
(The game is way too short and easy to be difficult. After playing it just a few times you will figure out how to beat it and quite easily making replayability very low. There isn’t much of a challenge to the game. If you can point and click when the logo turns orange, you can play the game. Even battles are done for you as you sit and watch after clicking one or two buttons.)
Overall Fun 6.0
(Its unique and different and has its moments. Its not the most fun game of the games based on this film. But it still is fun the first few times figuring out what to do and interacting with the devices in the batcave and vehicle and visiting the locations in a point and click type of setting. Just a few times playing and you will get all you can out of this game, limiting it greatly.)
Final Score: 6.25
Below Average
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