Reviewing four games with the Kinect: Kinect Adventures, Kinect Sports, Kinectimals, and Your Shape: Fitness Evolved.
I love the quote above youre door "we will have these moments to remember"
I loved your review I hope to be on this case
I apologize if my writing error. Because I Arabs.
thank you
a cat is mewing in the background
The problem with kinect is that you have to be standing there like an idiot doing some stupid movements
my mom thought that this was a virtual dancing machine …
Atenção, o natal esta chegando , eu tenho 34 anos idade e meu xbox 360 queimou a placa, se alguém quiser fazer uma boa ação, me presenteie com um x box 360, pois ele é o maximo em termos de games e jogabilidade!!
I have xbox…..
I thought that was my neighbors cat
0:34 – 0:37 There is meowing thumbs up if you hear It!
hey, i think this was a very good video. i want to buy a xbox 360 4gb, and i would apreciate if u could make a video in which you could show, everything you can do with the game of kinectimals. thanks
nice review…you pointed out a lot of things that would help people determine if it is something they would be willing to purchase…
Good idea, though since it's not quite a 1:1 ratio, I'm not sure how effective it would be. If there is any delay at all, it might be too messy. It's close, don't get me wrong, but I can almost guarantee they are still making improvements. Personally, I can't wait to try out Tiger Woods 13. That's a big step in the right direction if they can pull it off in a way that makes me want to stand up and play for long periods of time.
please, kill the cat!
My Siamese cat is very rude. I apologize on her behalf. 🙂
0:37 does anyone else hear meowing???
Yes, I will do a shorter, separate review just on the voice commands, because that does deserve some attention (in a good way). I'll post it this week.
Fitness Evolved, from what I've seen, does an excellent job of training you to do each and every move….maybe to a fault. I haven't had time to get into a "routine", but as long as you can skip the very helpful tutorials later on, then they did it right.
Great review mate cheers.
Great review, glad someone did a look at fitnees envolved, does that game have a steady learning curve?
great review. I cant wait to give a kinect myself
Wow, that was quick! I just uploaded it 30 minutes ago. 🙂 Glad it helped, and please let me know if you have any questions at all.
Best review so far. Thanks for the video. I ordered the bundle from Amazon yesterday, but if I saw this vid earlier, I probably wouldn't have to be waiting for Amazon to re-up stock.
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