Tom Vasel takes a look at 5 silly games!!
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Staxis = Catch The Moon but way more plain!
That chicken game reminded me of a Weebles toy I had as a kid.
I searched Chompin Charlie Dice Tower but haven't found the live play video yet. Then I'll search for the Staxis one.
Is an addiction. Everytime i see the thumbnail with more than one game, i have to click it! And i saw this already XD
I thought Staxis looked familiar – there's an old game called N-Tropy Outbalance. The only difference is the box art and the symbols on the die.
I would think you'd need one of EACH color for the Squirrel game… that makes the most sense to me.
Pretty sure I’ve got Staxis – but it’s called Entropy
I have a sense of deja vu.
The first game reminds me of Cross Over the Bridge, which I loved as a kid. I played it again recently and I didn't remember how frustrating it was to get into the centre by landing on it exactly without ending up all the way back to the outside ring again. It can just go on and on.
Really enjoyed this! Great choice of unique games – such a shame the level of visual design that went into most of them only for some of their gameplay to seemingly be an afterthought – would be interesting to try Staxis though 😀 Now gonna have a look for your live plays 🎲
Swear down Tom reviewed these games a few days ago. Feel like I've gone insane.
Am I going mad? This video was uploaded today, but I swear I watched it a few days ago.
Are you sure you’re not supposed to collect your color pieces for Chomping Charley?
I can't wait for the crossover game, Staxis & Allies!
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