Queen Camilla and the First Lady of France, Brigitte Macron, lay wreaths at a memorial honoring D-Day. But when Brigitte tries to hold Camilla’s hand, the moment has some calling it a royal faux pas! King Charles III, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Prince William are also on hand for the event, marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/videos/2345009219596/queen-camillas-awkward-moment-with-french-first-lady
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Queen Camilla’s AWKWARD Moment with French First Lady: A Royal Faux Pas? | E! Newshttp://www.youtube.com/user/enews
Macrons wife looks related😮
PRESIDENT & his FL does not curtsy to monarchs. Handshake is ok.
Camilla did not deliver speech in fluent French. She was reading what she said. It means her, French is not fluent.
Its a man….
Well, Brigitte Macron is a guy, so…..
Candace Owen has an interesting video on the journalist who exposed Bridget Macron.
Arrogant . Brigitte was trying to be nice . That one shall give back the kindness
Charles kissing a mans hand (Jean Michel Trogneux) Well we can't say that Camilla is much better looking.
Seriously this guy Brigitte needs a new wig 🤮
He kissed a man on the hand. Oh snap. I wonder if her knew
Camilla didn't want to be touched by a creepy man.
Camilla et Charles sont en France, on n’a pas en tant que citoyens français dans notre propre pays à respecter le protocole anglais ! L’erreur ici c’est Camilla ( je ne dis pas reine car je ne suis pas un sujet britannique) qui la commet! C’est un affront ! Le protocol anglais chez les anglais seulement !
She thinks she’s queen hahahahaahhahahahahaha side horse, I mean, chick forevaaaah
Kate, you are pure class.
God bless you.
Both aged from different genders .. camela face is more feminine though
She isn’t a Queen she’s a disgrace
Who would want to hold that cold lizards hand!!! Camilla is cold and unfeeling LOOK WHAT DID TO DIANA AND HER FIRST FAMILY
Later Camilla remarked, that ghoulish large French man in a dress is out here acting like a fool.
First lady grandpa of France you mean
Queen CONSORT Camilla. The fact that you're calling her Queen Camilla just irks my soul.
Edit: and I know how titles work, I just REFUSE to call a divorced mistress Queen. If you want ancient titles to apply, then all ancient rules should apply & she should never have even married a future king.
Twin where have you been..
Living in France
First man of France**
Clearly a dude.
Charles had to kiss a mans hand lol
You aren’t supposed to touch a Royal person.
How can anyone say Bridget is a man she is stunning
Vous devriez connaître la monarchie anglaise et son vécue madame de la reine Victoria a sa respectueuse famille des siècles de monarchie
Bien la reine camilla a remis la Brigitte à sa place vous n' êtes rien.. peut être que vous réfléchirait voilà comment votre époux considére les français
Camilla is truly the villain as Prince Harry said
Queen Consort might know some secrets about the first lady of France😅😅
Is this A I: ? The exact same clothes as the cancer announcement
Hyvää päivää upeat leidit, hyvää tätä päivää kaikille❤
She's homewrecker
The French woman was rude
Very rude of the French
Bad of the French woman
That's the same video from March. The palace has moved the sentences around, and she appears to be smiling. But the words are the same.
This is the best reporting you can do on such an important and sober event? What trash…. Why not talk about the Veterans and their stories. YUCK E! News… change the name to E! Nonsense.
Tge slats on the bench are still way off y’all
If ugly could be taxed , these two would go broke 🤫🤭
It is my experience that the French feel entitled and are above etiquette.
Don't worry Bridgette, you look far better than that wrinkly hag
Camilla went into a lot of trauma and that can't be forgotten it was messy
She vibes Anjelica Houston in "Witches" like no other. Why he trying to knock off the Queen's look?
Ne pas toucher au Royal est une tradition seculaire.
This clip of Catherine was made a long time ago.
Es obvio que existe mucha gente que envidia a Su Majestad La Reina Camilla.
Y como no tienen nada que criticar en cuanto a su desempeño como REINA, aprovechan este pequeñísimo detalle para escupir la ponzoña que mamaron de sus respectivas madres y que ya amenazaba con reventarlas.
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