Nobody actually wants to own Sports Cards.

The sports card world both a supply and a demand problem. The current cycle doesn’t actually train people to collect. Not enough end users means crashing prices.


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@JaredR-l4j November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Buyers market!
@revelstokeindependantpowde9021 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Great video. It is a killer to the hobby for sure. I been spectating this hobby for a long time and the secondary market support for 99% of players is pathetic.
@rustystaples7656 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Newer collectors as a group are MUCH different than collectors of past decades. When I started collecting, football for example, we'd start buying the series 1 cards in late August or early September and often would not even buy the series 2 which came out later. We spent September onward collating, trading and ENJOYING the cards. The newer collectors today are like resus monkeys getting their fix on a regular basis for many months. It's a totally different mindset. With the excessive parallels, manufactured scarcity and outrageous prices, the card manufacturers just make monkeys out of many newer collectors. You'll know that the evil geniuses at Fanatics have gone 100% all-in on this monkey manipulation when they stop selling complete sets and force the monkeys to buy and buy and buy.
@dadscardcollection1307 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Great perspective. I'm in between. I collect, but if it's something I don't want, I move on. But I stopped buying and selling because of the points you made.
@hardcoreraider7029 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Card cycles have always been this way. It’s really no different than he stock market. The good cards of good/ great players hit a bottom and then go up. If anyone took your advice on Jordan’s in early 2000s, then they would’ve missed out on massive gains. Obviously not everyone is like Jordan. But essentially you’re talking about FOMO. It happens in everything, including TP during rough times. It sounds like you’re bitter. But price discovery is how we know what something is worth. If you like a player and card price goes down, then that’s a buying opportunity. Topps/ Fanatics wants to grow the market by 10%. What do you think is going to happen. Do you think NVDA is worth its current price 🤔😂. I don’t think so, but others do. It’s always supply vs demand. No matter the business, subject or really anything.

So I hear your perspective and the doomsday clock may be ticking. But the market will tell us that. Imagine not buying Apple stock in 1990 cause of fear factor like you said. Time will tell.
@JohnZBaeZ November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Think that comment is leaning towards comic books. They make certain books collectible, then later they create the same books but with a bit more sparkle. Some card sets are like this. First load is simple, then they make the next load the same but bit more sparkle which ruins the first load. They did this on comics, so I buy them less to none at all for that month
@AANCollect November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
There are a ton of collectors. There are not enough for high end $1000 plus cards to stay at these higher pricing. The sweet spot for collectors is $500 and less. The problem with people who cover the hobby focuses on 10% of the hobby. There are 10xs more set collectors than you are speaking of in this video.
@kevinevans8370 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
NEO, I think it's going to take a few math majors to get together to save the hobby. I think the way that cards go into a stock market type of market, and hot players get all the attention, and the rest of the cards in a set don't needs to come to an end. And then we all go through the downfall of those cards of players that don't live up to the hype. The prices should not be swinging as much as they do in such a short period of time. If someone can take the print runs of these cards, the rarer parallels, and then price these cards per how many there are in a print run, with a slight bump given to stars and those rarer cards, per the price on the box, and not something that people are pumping up like a meme stock in short period of time, then we may have something that works. Cards would be able to maintain their value better, the high end you could still have your 1 of 1s and 1 of 5s, and they'll still be the higher end cards, but the stuff that has an astronomical number of parallels and print run of won't be overpriced, and kids may be actually able to afford cards again. Things like this Wemby set is really one of the things that are the problem with collecting. Same with Caitlin Clark personal set, where the entirety of the set is Wemby or Clark. Once everyone opens, and has a Wemby or Clark, then it becomes a problem with numbers, and as the stuff gets dumped more and more on the market, you get declines in the prices of those cards because of the sheer numbers in the print runs, and saturation. I think as collectors, especially in the card space, we have to remember the things that make these cards collectable. If it's no longer rare, and the value has dropped to nothing, the only way it then becomes a collectable is if it's your favorite player, or someone you collect. Just a few thoughts, and I'd be interested in your opinion of what I think might fix things. Thanks NEO!
@SportsCardQueen November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
You’re absolutely correct. You really know your stuff
@xKalamity November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
I wanted to start collecting guys on my dynasty fantasy baseball team that I’ve had for 5+ years. I have the great fortune to have both Elly De La Cruz and Shohei Ohtani, the two hottest cards in baseball and collecting anything of note for them would cost half my paycheck. I almost feel guilty asking about them at card shows cause the dealers just see a rube that they want to shake down for top dollar
@TheBorderGeek November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Probably a good move not having COMC as this video's sponsor lol.
@teresaswift8999 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
I have collected thousands of cards and plan on continuing. Collectors need to rule again!
@charlesfuchs November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
I don't own hardly no any sports cards... maybe some very rare UFC cards like jon jones but that is about it. LOL
@sdpjv November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
You're 100% right. Greedy worms did this in the early 90's and killed the business for a quick buck. Looks like they are at it again.
@simepoh November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
A good way to gauge the current market is checking how many viewers the whatnot channels are getting. They have been plummeting in viewership. When theres only 200 peoples using the app it a sign the hobby is struggling. Theres more people at a small cards show.
@Hodges1455 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Gave a video like. Flippers will come and flippers will go. Collectors will keep on collecting.
@jeffmcdonald269 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
I'm a collector. I don't think I've ever sold a card. Used to like to build sets but the price of boxes are ridiculous. I now collect players mostly of my Pittsburgh Pirates. I do buy into breaks with the hopes of hitting something better than I would spend on an individual card. I've had some luck but i recognize it as a form of gambling. I hit an orange Paul Skenes auto last year out of Bowman Draft. He's a phenomenal kid in all regards. Everything in my head says that I should sell this card particularly with him being a pitcher but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. There aren't nearly as many of us but there are still some collectors out there.
@MicahGCom November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
No one wants to hold this stuff physically, so it’s basically become NFT trading. We are all just trading pictures of PSA 10s.
@wolfdenfamilyresell3193 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
i love buying within my budget or over and it use not to be that way. my love for the hobby is about the cards it brings me joy, i feel i’m pretty lucky with buying a pack or box here and there. i’m not in it for money im in it to rip and find the holy grail card.
@popsmoke99 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Hobby is becoming fruitless....Junk WAX is more than BACK... its being printed as we speak and sleep.. I see Geoff Wilson struggling in the next couple years.... big time.. Who knows? The highs are wearing off.... that I know. The heroin high has strung its victims out.
@C.Baumann November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Great vid. I've never felt I got burned on buying vintage. Quit chasing and buy the card for the card.
@dominatorbooze8381 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Heres an alternative take. Im a collector and a Bitcoiner. One of the reasons gambling is so rife at the moment is because our fiat currencies are devaluing so quickly thanks to the non stop money printing by governments worldwide. There is no premium put on our money. It constantly loses value. Therefore there is no incentive to hold or save your dollars, pesos etc.
Bitcoin is the opposite. Hold your bitcoin long enough and its value continually appreciates. Remember, its Bitcoin not crypto haha
@williamw4159 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Well when its a million people only collecting a few players across all sports its not much u can do.... 🤷🏾‍♂️ cj, wemby, puka,ohtoni, judge, kobe, jordan, mahomes, brady, curry, lebron, love, daniels, catlin, trout,skenes, josh allen, lamar jackson, calib, purdy other then that who else are people really buying 🤷🏾‍♂️
@cherrypickingcards2413 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
It’s a lot like sports betting… you hit a parlay but regret not betting more.. and then it becomes a nasty cycle of just keeping your head above water due to greed from the almighty $
@JosephRocco-mi4cm November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
I love collecting for the sake of collecting. But I always encounter people at the store who are just chasing. If I get inserts, great. If not, I’m happy with attractive base cards.
@sub1social November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
its lame to have cards unless you very very rich then its impressively cool
@staleprad November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Been saying this for years…collectors are being chastised for having a PC…flippers are glorified ..
@oldfox0015 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
This is such an interesting topic. It's an entire rabbit hole.
@kevinheckeler November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
This video just earned you another subscriber. Keep speaking the truth (shout out to your compadre SCD).
@MikelineTV November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
The end IS near as in collecting modern sports cards! 😈 Continue the negativity towards sports cards in general man, preach it some more
@LeanandG13 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Boils down to what picture of men do you really want? Money (paper with a dudes pic) or sports cards (also paper with dudes pics)
@penguinlust6749 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
You just noticed this? Better late than never, I guess.
@bigredghost November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Every time I see happy pack opener get a little popular on YouTube and then become a breaker because of it 👻
@thecardboardcollaborative November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
And what’s wrong with everyone chasing? That’s better for collectors who just buy singles and will get stuff they want to collect for pennies on the dollar and other people can go on gambling. Everyone needs to just relax and stop worrying about what other people do and stay in your lane.
@pear8head118 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
This is fair. I have fallen victim to this as well. I heard someone mention their collection as "saving for retirement" and my first thought was, I'm not trying to hold on to these for 30 years???
That got me thinking?? Dang, I was doing this as a "sell within 2-3 years" type mentality.
I had to pivot!! And re-prioritize my game plan!!!
@JC-bj5cv November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
For most of these people cards are a form of gambling. I buy cards from the 50's through the 80's all day long. You say that is the junk wax era. No, today is more junk wax than ever.
@carybensilhe4869 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
The end user is something Fanatics/Panini doesnt seem to care about for now as the gamblers are willing to pay double retail on things like 2024 Donruss boxes in Costco. This was my biggest gripe with Geoff Wilson as he was influencing people to speculate on cards like they were equities.But as long as the gamblers are spending big, you just got to take what the market gives which is in buying value for things you like that isn't being hyped up.
@5ivetk347 November 4, 2024 - 8:42 pm
Very well said ..most people's end game is an unknown quantity

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