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Build 2D platformers, fighters, roguelikes, and more with this side-scroller template.
DESIGNED FOR REPLICATION – Build multiplayer experiences right out of the box.
IMPLEMENTED IN C++, BUILT FOR USE WITH BLUEPRINTS – Get the benefits of native performance, customize functionality in code or blueprints as you prefer, and use in any C++ or BP-only project.
EXTENDS UNREAL’S CHARACTER CLASS – This makes it easy to integrate with other assets/plugins, and helps you follow Unreal-centric paradigms when learning to develop.
CORE FEATURES FOR 2D GAMES: Dashing, wallsliding, walljumping, one-way platforms, and more.
HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE CAMERA SYSTEM – Add triggers to zoom, lock Z-height, lead the character, change angles, blend to other cameras, and much more, right from the editor.
PLATFORMER-QUALITY MOVEMENT – One-tap left-right-only turns, input-buffered walljumps, jump-cancelled dashes, and more, with fixes to Unreal’s default third-person behavior.
THOROUGH DOCUMENTATION – Covers all customizable behaviors, and shows how you can extend functionality.
Not an issue for me, as I'll replace it anyway, but you might want to fix this to make it easier for new people trying it for the first time.
Thanks for the plugin, this is a timesaver!
Just 1 question: When 2 players step on each other the one below cant really jump anymore... How can I make it so that the one carrying the other player can still jump freely?
Thank you!
Also does this work with enhanced input?
LogUObjectGlobals: Error: Ignored DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject for CharMoveComp as it's marked as required. Creating SSTCharacterMovementComponent.
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