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Let me know what you guys think about this issue! I personally think that, because of the international growth in gym goers and people training outside of sports, that we should focus on bringing high quality information and critical thinking regarding fitness than to shove a massive online space (which is full of both positives and negatives) into a hole.
Body image issues are also a massive issue outside of the fitness community, but I'm working on a video on the opposite side of the argument as we speak!
When I was in school, almost everybody I knew was lying about their age when signing up for social media, I doubt this algorithm policing will have much of an effect on "protecting the children."
If young people find something they're passionate about, they'll spend less time mindlessly scrolling and therefore stop feeding YouTube money.
This is just dumb.
Wokies don’t like T.
Our current rulers* want no competition, so of course they will do everything in their power to weaken everyone else. Fit people are capable of doing something about tyrants. Can't have that. I'm sure plenty of content about "transitioning" against your own biology will continue being promoted, however. I tried to phrase all of this in a way that won't raise any automated flags. I'll be surprised if my words remain.
*The same tribe at the top of YouTube and other mainstream sources of information.
Makes sense in a way. Social media is flooded with teenagers on steroids and people talking out of their ass about "the secret to making gains", trying to sell some overpriced, mediocre training program or bullshit supplement. Just a shame for the tiny little fraction that actually make good content. Impossible for children/teens to figure out what is what, though… Arguably children and teenagers get anxiety and depression from any social media algoritm anyways, so what difference does a bit of fitness content make? I don't know, man…
Also, if there was a way to make an algorithm that sorts out harmful content and misinformation, it would solve many other problems as well 😅
Yeah but never change the education system that never teaches stuff that matters in real life…and when people wanna learn from here it's ABOUT their mental health….GOD NO OUR MENTAL HEALTH IS WORSE IN SCHOOLS
No one can convince me there is genuine evil in this world… possibly elites
I’m 16 and was basically just a skeleton before I had thought I would exercise a bit after I get to college and didn’t think much of it but after I got into the fitness niche on yt it encouraged me to do better right then and there and I started exercising at home while not impacting my studies either it has helped me so much in terms of self image and made me so much more confident and a much better version of myself and it inspires me to do better in other aspects of life as well it would truly be a shame if someone else in my situation didn’t get into this and remained thin awkward and unconfident and never realising my potential for sports even though I’m kinda short
Like the video guys maybe then the scamgorithm will bring video to YouTube teams attention
Simple. "Disciplined, hard working, work ethics", better looking, better at work, school, etc.
They know people with these traits, specially into fitness are more aligned with political views Youtube execs despise. There is plenty of studies. Same reason the most viewed recent joe rogan podcast doesn't trend or show unless you actively seek for it.
If they would care about mental health they would 100% ban short content. that's cancer
we're so cooked 😭
Youtube doesn't want you to be healthy, that's why they're doing this, any other reason given is propaganda. They did the same with medicine, health and food.
They did this to conspiracy and esoteric channels first. Then they went after political channels. Then gun channels. Now fitness.
1:32 einfach zarbex
Test test can anyone see me I have unpopular opinions but I love you all ha ha ha 🤣
The last thing the ferengi in control want is strong intellectual young men who might become artistic 🎨 and begin to recognize patterns 💜
If people didn’t realize that the goal has been to feminize, and pussify, young men for years, here’s further proof.
Maybe if i found YouTube fitness in my teens I wouldn't have abused 'Al Kohal' that much…
I'm guessing because the most popular "fitness" YouTubers are roided to the gills and give bad advice.
Yeah coz steroids aren't a problem in young people!
just Togi is enough
Going ever closer to “ you will watch what we want you to watch , and consume what we want you to consume “
WHO cares tho?
I think the biggest platform that shows you people with better lifes or physiques than you is instagram not youtube. When people want to flex they flex on instagram.
YouTube needs to single out all the people that watch mukbang videos and permanently delete their internet until they go outside and lose some fucking weight
The reason the ferengi in control do this is , the same reason the greeks didn't let their "employees" train 💜
I want big company’s to stop deciding what I want and then call me a bigot when I disagree with what they decide I SHOULD like
Man, I have a Nutritional Sciences degree and a Health Promotion degree for my masters, I feel like they were a complete waste of time at this point and I wish I would never have gotten them if I knew a lot of this nonsense going on, trying to start a grow and just watch the world burn
They want you fat and unhealthy. Consoom junk food, be sedentary, buy more pharmaceuticals
Anders, this is an immaculate, well-constructed and level-headed clap-back at YouTube. Fantastic writing behind this video
stop endorsing pencilnecks (xoxo)
If Youtube cared about the youth, they would shut down shorts.
ban mukbang
You've forgotten about the psychological horror induced by seeing an individual with a tragically smol back
I don't know, just a wild guess, maybe BECAUSE EVERY OTHER "INFLUENCER" IS ON STEROIDS AND HALF OF THOSE CLAIM TO BE NATURAL? 14 year old kids are hoping on gear because their favourite fitness influencers are on tren…
the world needs to stop treating teens like toddlers. they think hollywood will stop using roided up actors? better to support being an obese coomer than to support improvement
Youtube should be nationalized. Force the first amendment on them, ban algorythm tampering
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