The Fitness Industry Is A Middle School Playground

The fitness industry is an embarrassing niche on the internet right now. Alex Eubank hops on TRT and Lexx little had some criticisms about it and Alex Eubank felt some type of way about it and continued to talk abou Lexx on his snapchat. And The Big Mike dude shoved Jeff Nippard onto the ground because he was upset Jeff made a video reacting to what he said, Jeff Nippard wasn’t even talking ish about him, and yet he still Assaulted Jeff Nipples.


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@taylorhillard4868 October 29, 2024 - 8:46 am
The best part about the JonnyBravoTV video is just how no one is buying his BS.
He's gotten ratiod repeatedly in the comments and I think he's pinned like 3 separate comments that support his position, but unpins them once they get ratiod or they dont pick up the momentum he wanted. Then he went back and edited his original pinned comment and changed the totle of the video (which was something along the lines of "Jeff MISLED everyone")

Absolute clown.
@amineayb October 29, 2024 - 8:46 am
Not only The Fitness Industry, but every corporation, hospital or public institution...
@alelectric2767 October 29, 2024 - 8:46 am
Exactly!! Fu@king children.

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