The Eternal Sunshine singer is now sharing her thoughts after fans modified the Universal film poster to align more with the Broadway musical’s, the poster Cynthia, who plays Elphaba, previously slammed as “the wildest, most offensive thing i have seen.”
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#arianagrande #cynthiaerivo #enews
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Ariana Grande Reacts to Cynthia Erivo’s Wicked Poster Criticism | E! News
Instead of being thankful that fans are taking enough interest in the movie that they'd spend some time and effort to edit a poster to connect it to a stage musical they already love, Cynthia Erivo decided that her ego was more important. Seriously, it's not like the fan's edit would even affect the original state of the poster which would be used for actual promotions!
More and more actors and actresses are coming out entitled and out of touch. They forget that they need the fans more than the fans need them. If no one wants to pay the money to watch your work, then no matter how talented you are, it's gonna make you that much less castable for future work.
Wow Kermit was right it’s not easy being green.
No way she's only 37. WOW
37 years old? She looks more like 50
Wow she is only 37…….looks more like 65
I Was excited to see this film, but Im not giving one cent of my money to Cynthia. She needs to grow tf up!
lol poor Ariana is trying to hard not to insult Cynthia when she thinks it's an overreaction. I feel sorry for Ariana and the filmmakers, Cynthia has single handedly made sure a LOT of people will avoid the movie because of HER
Playing VICTIM is a everyday job to this people 😂 its like a career for them 😂
Nothing says "out of touch" like criticizing the people and fans who decide if your film succeds or not.
Cynthia has been a piece of work for the better part of a decade, she even insulted Black Americans
moronic complaint.She needs therapy
It's not AI! You are spreading misinformation. Just yikes.
She has no eye brows
They should've casted someone else for the role. Maybe cast someone with hair.
It is known in the UK that Cynthia thinks she is all that. She is not well liked. If SNL was not so caught up in the election, they would be on it.
Cynthia Erivo isn't that bright.
It’s not that big of a deal! It was just to resemble the original Broadway poster. Nothing to do with erasing bald black women. Typical pc victim playing . I was excited to see this movie but after this and how Elvira was played by Ariana I might skip it.
Her answer was perfect. She said "fans gonna have fun" which is true, she knows it's normal that fans gonna make FANART, in reality – they are the ones who actually care and support the movie. And she also said how she loves Cynthia and basically showed us she wanna stay on her side too.
We all see Cynthia overreacted big time. I hope she will understand it too. There was no case for her pride to be offended this much.
Since when Ariana Grande got a new accent?
Erivo is 37 years old……👀
This is what happens when you give whiny entitled actors a platform
It's not complicated, it wasn't AI, Ariana is just a typical hollywood shill.
Wow typical take a black woman and make her green. And the emotional labor hearing all of Ariana’s secrets. So disgusting erasure. BLM.
Ma’am you do realise you’re a witch and painted green in the poster? Blame your marketing department not the fan. Hollyweird problems.
Why didn't they change Ariana Grande too?
Please. Excuse the I
The AI poster is Amazing and the most similar to the musical poster but Cynthia Erivo Didn’t need to make such a huge deal about the poster all they did was cover her eyes and put lipstick on her lips there’s no problem with that and the Movie poster didn’t have to be made because of how different it is from the Broadway poster. But I in the AI one they Made Ariana’s Open and she didn’t make such a Frustrating and Unnecessary Deal about it. But I’m still excited and going to watch it. This is Not a great way to Start your movie that I think you’ll be amazing in. But in Christa Chenawith’s words “Just say you’re sorry”
Adults don't need an "adjustment period" to behave decently.
Well my friend already bought us tickets and I wanted to go watch the movie to see Ari, but I will be avoiding any movie or shows with Cynthia in it from this day forward.
Good way to get black listed 😂😂😂
I understand where she is coming from, but it isn't intended to be offensive at all.
“It’s very complicated” = she overreacted.
Boycotting this cause of the annoying woke actress. 💩💩💩
There is class and there is trash 😁
'Look mummy i made a picture of you. Can we stick it on the fridge?'
'That's the most offensive thing I've seen!'
Cynthia is going to be a bigger Diva than Barbra Streisand, and with so many more years to go with this. 🙄
If i was cynthia, i would have made a small compliment to the fan poster wich in turn showed good will & additional promotion for the movie. But nope, go full nuclear and say it is YOUR movie and you are the big star. It is her moment and nobody else. Imagine how that fan feels right now, imagine how fans who were looking forward to the movie now feel.
8 ball should have kept her mouth shut
Cynthia please don’t be fake woke
Why she bald tho?
Ariana Grande not looking grande anymore😂
Ariana Grande so far never complain of anything about the poster.
Would have been funny if she said “I don’t know what the crazy B is getting so worked up about! It looks awesome!”. Although in SO glad she didn’t agree with her and came off as thinking “ya I don’t know what the problem is, it looks good to me and it isn’t a race thing at all”. I honestly can’t stand Adriana Grande either, never saw the appeal in her. Although I’m 40 so she is a child to me and overall just seems so self absorbed. That Cynthia chick saying something so exaggerated is so ridiculous, she definitely is one of those people that uses absolutes on a regular basis (as in every other sentence). I’m so glad that even woke people and outlets are agreeing how an absurd a statement she made and how much of a crazy person it makes her sound like. Like really? That’s the MOST offensive thing she has ever seen in her, almost, middle aged life? Okay…sure thing. Either she has had the most sheltered life ever or she just over exaggerated everything and makes everything a “victim” thing…we all know which it is. No one feels bad for you at all, nor thinks that there is any validity in the crazy thought process that brought you to that conclusion about the better poster.
I don’t care, I’m still watching this 😅!!!!
Hi E!News,
In your personal or public POV,
Do you think Ariana Grande can save entertainment industry in Hollywood after the Diddy Sean Combs Freak Off party case this year?
She went to Diddy parties but this offends her
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