It’s Adam Koralik here and today we’re discussing the possibility of a new Xbox backwards compatibility update coming based on comments made by Sarah Bond. Is this likely? Probably not, but let’s talk about it.
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So you cant just run 360 games in a xbox one ,
I just want to play Chrome Hounds on series X. I have the 360 disc. Does anyone else miss this game?
There are so many more games they could make backwards compatible, especially original Xbox. For example, Brothers In Arms, an Ubisoft published series, could be added. Ubisoft isn’t going to care. Microsoft just doesn’t want to invest the money into it anymore, in my opinion. This is partly why so many people are moving to PC.
Here Xbox 360 Games I Would Like To See Be Backwards Compatibility Some Day Flatout Ultimate Carnage, Cars The Video Game, Cars Race-O-Rama, Project Gotham Racing 3, Project Gotham Racing 4, Open Season The Video Game, Forza Motorsport 2, Forza Motorsport 3, Forza Motorsport 4, Surf’s Up The Video Game, Sonic & SEGA All-Star Racing, SEGA Superstar Tennis, Wall-E The Video Game, Blur, SpongeBob SquarePants: Plankton’s Robotic Revenge, SpongeBob: Heropants, The Simpsons Game, EA Black Box Studios Need For Speed Games, Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012, Pac-Man & The Ghostly Adventures 1, Pac-Man & The Ghostly Adventures 2, Burnout Crash
Do you think dead or alive Xtreme 2, and as well as dead or alive xtreme beach volleyball (Original Xbox) will ever come to that list?
Burnout 3, Gta San Andreas (OG or 360 version), NFS Most Wanted 2005, The Warriors, Simpsons both Hit & Run and The Game, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, The Punisher, 007 Nightfire and Blur are one that am truly missing in my Xbox Series digital collection.. but hope never dies!
All i want is the Warriors Simpsons hit and run and the godfather game
Can u please tell me how i can play my nascar 2011 game 360 on xbox series x it wont work i looked up if it was compatible with xbox series x and it said yes so please help me please?
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction deserves the backwards compatibility treatment.
It would be cool to be able to play of Xbox doom 3 and not the current bfg edition. They don’t but I can dream. I really hope this is real I’d love another push of titles, even if it’s not huge or anything crazy, we should try and get as many games as possible.
The only issue with this notion is I’m sure a decent couple games have remakes in the works in some form or fashion, or there’s liscensing issues. Idk I think anything counts as far as being able to get these and stash them on a hard drive.
The xbox emulator in xbone is actually the fusion emulator that runs on 360. It's updated with compatibility fixes for whatever game its running on
There are a handful of xbox 360 games that are only forwards compatible physically. F.E.A.R., 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, King Kong, and Driver: San Francisco are not available digitally but can be played via disc. Microsoft and the rights holders aren't making money on these titles, but they are still available for those of us who still own the discs. So, theoretically, any game is possible.
i cant save on old games on my series x i refuses to log in om my acc when open 360 games pls help
I'm wondering if they're working on a way to make every single 360 game backwards compatible. That would make sense with them shutting down the Xbox 360 store that they would simply carry those titles over to the modern consoles. Otherwise I would think they would follow play stations example with the PS3 and DaVita where they keep the store active you just can't actively buy stuff unless you add money to your wallet first
Games I'd love to see make a new BC cut: (A man can dream, right?) 😂 Most of these are OG Xbox titles
-Prince of Persia: Entire Trilogy
-Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
– Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2/ Defiance
– Turok: Evolution
– Fatal Frame
– Condemned 2: Bloodshot
– Transformers: War For Cybertron/ Fall of Cybertron
– Predator: Concrete Jungle
– Spider-man: Web of Shadows/ Shattered Dimensions
– Darkwatch
-Jet Set Radio Future
– Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
– The Suffering/ Ties That Bind
– Cold Fear
– The Punisher
– Spawn: Armageddon
– The Godfather
– Obscure
– Incredible Hulk
– The Matrix: Path of Neo
– Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay/Dark Athena
– Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
– Metal Arms: A Glitch in the System
– Vexx
I hope that the games that were delisted are available to buy again, especially Spec Ops The Line and Indiana Jones and The Emperors Tomb 🙏
Hopefully they even add more backwards compatible games
Overall this would be incredible news
I would love to see the two Naruto games by Ubisoft and Crash Twinsanity to be backwards compatible.
I would love Godzilla save the earth from the original Xbox
we hope very soon to see more original Xbox titles & more 360 titles for backwards compatible?
Hoping for Tony Hawk games
My Xbox Backwards Compatibility List
1 Spider-Man 2 The Game (2004) Xbox
2 Ultimate Spider Man (2005) Xbox
3 Hulk (2003) Xbox
Apache Air Assault, Singularity, MoH 2010, MoH Warfighter, Binary Domain, these I'd pay full price again.
I'd love to play Medal of Honor 2010, MoH Warfighter, Singularity, Dark Sector,Alpha Protocol etc hoping these and more get added.
The only selling point for consoles for me personally is that it still has physical media available. I'm not buying a console without a disk drive. I might as well stick to PC exclusively in that case.
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