I became Iron Man (and other super hero’s) in Superfly VR! This game is SO COOL. The feeling of flying through a city with super powers is unmatchable in VR. Let me know if you want to see me play this again! Thanks for watching, subscribe for more videos and click the bell to never miss an upload!
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Video edited by Casey. Hi Casey!
Casey’s channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/crossingcasey
2:05 this is incredible😂 get it?
What’s this game called?
Is superfly free?
Anderson Jason Miller Jason Harris Deborah
Mark 2 ice
2024 anyone?
You just could go on a building
Are you stupid right now?
Are you stupid right now?
Brown Cynthia Anderson Angela Rodriguez Dorothy
Young Carol Thomas Jason Martinez Linda
Perez Joseph Martinez Brenda Lopez Ruth
Anderson Jose Lewis Richard Young Karen
Williams Melissa Walker Christopher Moore Steven
is this game free
pp Edit: pp
Lee James Garcia Scott Davis Sarah
Just put one hand downward and the other upward
Sam Tabor Gaming, nice content dude
You mean you’re doing the worm?
Can you pls play Lego Jurassic Park it’s my favourite game and I would love to watch you play it
Please can I have 1 for free
What is the name of this game🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🤨🤨🤨🤨
the boots was super speed it dosent work well in the air thats why it did nothing
People that are here in 2024
Thompson Patricia Rodriguez Thomas Walker Kimberly
But this doesn't work at that much work to have been able or I am! But I'm is III I okie all this way to make up some people like they did so many games with some new characters for some.
You have the most punchable face
If you do enough blowing up stuff that meter on your left arm will show five robots and will spawn a dragon
am big fan😊
Can you handle him
Can you play gorilla tag vr
Superfly more like Superfly from Ninja turtles
I miss early 2022
I’m pretty sure those things are hackers see this green black thing
I'll make you sayI'll make you say how proud you are of me so stay awake just long enough to see my way
I love your vid😊
Who’s watching in 2086??? 🤔🤔🤔
10:54 the best part of the vid!
How do you move in that game?
What does OCD mean
The boots are very fast
Can you give me a game on VR that will be great
Do you play gorilla tag
Who wants for him to play battle glide vr
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