Henry Cavill Now Favorite To Win James Bond Role Says Sports Book

The TJCS crew discuss new data from Betway Casino which says former Man of Steel Henry Cavill is the new favorite to take on the iconic 007 role of James Bond.

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@benm5970 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I feel like as of now every actor we’ve been targeting for being the next Bond, whether it’s Henry Cavill, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy or whoever might not measure up to what the Broccolis are looking for, because since this is the start of a new era of Bond they said that they’re looking for someone in their early 20’s or 30’s so that they can have them in this role for the next 10-15 years, and so our picks might be beyond what they’re looking for, I’m willing to bet it’s probably gonna end up being an unknown or at the very least an actor we recognize but weren’t thinking of for this role
@apok1980 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
James Bond actors can’t be too famous. Henry Cavill would be nice but he’s too big for Bond. Plus too expensive. Daniel Craig was well known, but not overly known. Definitely not an A-lister. Also, they would prefer to get someone in their 30s.
@davidscottlane7771 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Thomas Doherty is 29 and looks like a young Sean Connery. Good actor that is not already a celebrity.
@johncowie4450 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
i think richard madden ,theo james or henry cavill would be great for bond even aaron taylor johnson would be good as he was great in bullet train
@moealn October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Timothy Dalton?
@shoaebanwari8127 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Feels like this news has been recycled tons of times since even before Craig left the role
@nuanceatnoon October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Theo James from Netflix’s “The Gentleman” would be PERFECT! Looks, charisma, lower-register voice, and a dope lesser well known actor!
@johnnyjr.2619 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
@scottharris1985 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
James Bond in the books is older and has physical and emotional scars.
@scottharris1985 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I think Layer Cake is what sealed the deal for Daniel Craig.
@saulmadrileno8529 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
If not Henry, Tom Ellis!!!
@TheBobbyBrown22 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
So tired of these back and forth rumors. Just tell me when it’s official.
@fearlesshawk92 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Have you seen our politicians?? Older is the way you go apparently 😅😅

Seriously though. These ages don't feel old for how people seem to age these days. Some of those OGs look even older than these guys even thought they were younger
@brist75 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Jack Lowden should be in the running . Great actor and at the right age. Everyone in the running are too old now, and too famous for Bond.
@bertramgibbs9159 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Have Elba play the villain against Cavill.
@Supersonic7694 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
John it’s actually Rikki Tikki Tavi 😂
@DRDR3ADSA October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I like Cavil but he's just too famous. Bond needs a lighter more unknown actor. My personal pick would be Papa Essiedu
@scottintexas October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Craig was great, but admittedly, the storyline arc of his films and a return to taking the role more serious (less funny/cartoonish) were critical to his success. Roger Moore could have been great (and he occasionally was), but the silly sets/humor and lack of seriousness almost destroyed the character.
@FilmAppreciationSociety October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
A lot of these people would make good Bonds but if they don't get a film going soon most of these popular choices like Cavill, Hiddleston, etc. are going to be too old to do very many. Idris Elba is simply out. He's 52.
@kompanjonac October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Wait I thought Aaaron taylor johnson will be Bond
@RedMatik October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I hope Henry Cavil gets the role . I can see it out of all the other actors
@ctriis October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Leaning a little older (born in the 80s):
Robert Pattinson
Dan Stevens
Nicholas Hoult
Jamie Bell
Tom Sturridge

Leaning a little younger (born in the 90s):
Joseph Quinn

Will Poulter
Jack O'Connell
George MacKay
Joe Alwyn
@johnrigs6540 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Of course, Cavill would be absolutely perfect as James Bond , and he would make it very easy to just start up again after they killed him off in the last film.
No explanation would be needed and they could just reboot quickly
and hit the ground running with Cavill as a veteran 007 at his peak with a new M,Q and Moneypenny.
The fans would love it.
All of this is sadly just talk.
Because the Bond producers have clearly completely lost interest in the franchise and are doing absolutely nothing.
When they killed off Craig’s 007 in the last one we all thought they would reboot right away and we would start fresh all over again with a new 007
- but nope.
We now know they killed him off so they could take a long break and step away from the entire franchise for a while.
So, I think the next film is at least 3 years away and all of this talk is from fans who are anxious and excited to see James Bond on screen again.
I just wish that excitement was shared by the Bond producers!
@russelconor8704 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I really don't get the hype around Cavill, I never did. Yes, he seems like a very nice guy in real life, but we are supposed to judge him as an actor, not a private person. And as an actor, he is incredibly bland for me. Sure, he looks good in the action scenes because he has a great body and can do some action scenes himself, but most male movie stars and male TV stars nowadays have it/do it, because they all have special diets and personal trainers for it, and all the time in the world to take care of their bodies, as this is the part of their job. So Henry isn't special here.

As for acting, Bond could once appear like a role that doesn't require great acting chops, but that is false. Bond movies got more complex and deeper with time, through the years, and now good acting skills are really needed for this role, plus charisma, and sorry but I don't see it in Cavill. He is an average actor in my view, he doesn't provoke any great, unforgettable emotions, and he was also boring Superman for me - Reeve will always be the best one.

For me, alongside having a great physique and charisma, the Bond actor should also be an interesting choice, you know what I mean? Someone with emotional depth, interesting career choices, and acting talent. And that is Aaron Tylor-Johnson, period! If you look up the roles he played through the years, his acting range is really smth else, I'd argue that he has the greatest acting range among actors in his generation. He proved it by playing brilliantly all these different roles: the lovable nerd in Kick-ass, young John Lennon, Vronsky in Anna Karenina - he was the best part of the movie, charming Pietro in Avengers, terrifying psycho&rapist in Nocturnal Animals, great character and comedian in Bullet Train, he also absolutely stole the Fall Guy movie, he played a hilarious satiric role in that. He is one of my faves now. Aaron also has a crazy great body and athletic skills, for me better than Cavill's body, and even David Leitch spoke about, and he knows, as he started as a stuntman himself. So Aaron has it all for genius Bond!

I agree that the only thing not great for Aaron as Bond, is his voice, as he has a rather thin and child-like voice. Bond's voice should be deep, manly, and dominating, but changing your voice is part of acting, and all brilliant actors can change it, not to mention that we now have sound effects to make it better, so that wouldn't be a problem at all. For me, personally, Aaron is way, way better Bond choice than Cavill: Caviil is already too old, and Aaron is a perfect age for Bond now, Aaron has an incredible body and action skills, and he already played in awesome action movies like Kick-Ass, Bullet Train, Avengers, and Kraven, so he has a perfect background for Bond movies, he has amazing acting chops overall, he is handsome, and while he is known, he is not like crazy famous, as Cavill is, as Aaron was always more low-profile, so he literally checks almost all the boxes (minus the voice, but that, as I already pointed out, can be easily fixed). Cavill compared to Aaron is a worse choice, sorry.
@BrotherDog October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
LtK was Salton
@Oxbloodmage October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Henry cavil gets to kill another franchise.
@CameronOfDune October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Paul Mescal
@vickster5001 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
So this isn’t favourite in terms of likelihood of being Bond, but just who is getting googled most by the public, who are searching the names they’ve heard linked to this role for years. They’ve said they’re going younger so it’d be odd if they then went back to the person who was in the running for bond when Craig was cast.
@nathanlatham5651 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Cavill is just not a good enough actor, he could’ve made that mission impossible role interesting but apart from that fist pump scene he was utterly forgettable. None of his roles have really stood out for me, just because he’s good looking and built isn’t enough of a reason. I reckon they should go younger with maybe Paul mescal or George McKay
@jamiepeterson1981 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I don't agree with Cavill being too old. Bond is well suited to being a little older than other action heroes and when you're talking about someone like Henry Cavill do we really think he's going to not be a great looking and super fit guy in 15 years and wont be able to pull off being Bond?
@NiGHTS1980 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I love Cavill, but he's too old at this stage to get multiple movies out of him. Also, I like when they throw a curve ball and go with someone who we had no idea existed like they did with Daniel Craig.
@sterlingarcher5698 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Still hoping we get Cavill in MCU A
and they spin Cap Britain as Marvel's version of Bond
@JonnySuite13 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
I think it's very obvious! Since he'll never play Superman, again, he can play the role he almost played, before.
@Carlo_ReNews October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Again he won’t be Bond. He’s too old and too famous. The Broccolis already said he‘ll be in his 30s
@djwilliams1749 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
How 'bout Paul Mescal?
@kristinab3838 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Henry Cavill would be a fine James Bond, but I feel about him being Bond the same as I felt about Pedro Pascal being Mr. Fantastic, I know what I'm going to see. There's no intrigue here. I hope the Broccoli's do what they did when they hired Craig and Brosnan, pick a really solid actor who's not quite A-List yet.
@dublin7 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
They have said they want to go younger for Bond.
For me they have 3 ideal options
Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Has the acting chops, the looks and the charisma to play Bond
Richard Madden- The Scottish connection to the character and like ATJ has the acting, looks and charisma to be Bond.
Henry Golding - A British actor of Asian descent would be an ideal choice for James Bond. He has charisma in abundance, has done action movies and is a good actor.

If I had to guess who it is going to be, it is probably Aaron Taylor-Johnson, he has had his own franchise in Kick ass. He has done the MCU movies so he has a built in audience, he is young, talented and could bring a similar physicality to the role that Daniel Craig did while also mixing in some comedic chops for the Bond one liners. I'd have Henry Golding a close second and Madden third.
@ahmedfouzan2018 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Richard Madden!!!!!!!!
@ssabrams2564 October 23, 2024 - 12:35 am
Cavill should have the role already

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