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#XboxSeriesS #starshiptroopers #StarshipTroopersExtermination
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All video’s are recorded in 4k 120hz, for framerate tests i use TRDROP open source software.
Stuff i use
Chair: Trust RXT LED
PC: MSI Raider GE68 HX 13V (Core i19 13th gen, 128gb ddr5, rtx 4080,)
Capture Device: Avermedia Live gamer ultra 2.1 4K
Camera: Elgato Facecam Pro 4k60
Software: OBS Recording software
FPS software: TRDROP
Monitor: Samsung G5 32inc 1440p 144hz
TV: LG C3 55 inch 120hz 2023 model
Mic: Rode NT USB
email: Maurice@thexboxtester.com
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The way I see it is sure it ain’t pretty but it’s fun. It’s a technical mess but it’s a fun mess. I do think $50 is a bit expensive for what it offers.
I felt iffy about it at first but once myself and the other players learned building and gameplay it got pretty fun. It gets pretty chaotic and it's not about any one soldier it's about the war on the bugs. I'm glad there is no season pass just old school play and lvl up to get rewards. There are a few things to smooth out but i don't expect a perfect game. Just a fun one. I have about 11 hours and now that I'm upgraded a bit I'm a big killing machine. I don't have the same drops in fps and rez you have.
Looks like poop. 25 fps..
Much better if support keyboard and mouse its easy to control, i hope 😢 can u try keyboard and mouse
I hope Digital Foundry focuses on this game for all consoles because it really does push the CPU. A good game for benchmark testing.
Buy space marine 2 sick of these games ps5 its all they make
Hi what is the resolution
Does it have mkb support?
I've been playing this on PC since early access. I'm surprised they were able to optimize the game to a point where the consoles can run it. It's always been a really demanding game. But it's a huge positive. Lots of players online now.
No offline mode, no buy. Period.
I remember seeing it at the cinema .Back then were called blockbusters. The latest warhammer game comes close to the experience i had in the 2000-ish watching the movie.
Looks considerably worse than Halo 5 on xbox one which ran at a dynamic 1080p and a rocksolid 60fps on stoneage hardware. These modern games are so underwhelming
Looks pretty terrible overall!!
Looks real cheap!
This games is like to decades to late
I wait of a Sale 😉
Definitely should have been on game pass for it not being a whole complete game with a story mode
Something wrong with all yalls systems… I just played a horde match on my series S and it never dropped below 60fps. Game is so damn fun
The audacity to ask for that price for this quality, devs have no shame
Too pricey, looks like a free game tbh. This shouldve been better that helldivers for it to sell but looks like its not. Fps with no fov slider on console as well.
Minus lack of single player campaign. What do you think of the multiplayer gameplay?
It really is a shame. This is onecof tboae games that will be dead in a few months ao having decent offline content really should of been a must. Not getting any of my money. I dont want to know more. 😂
That dynamic resolution scaling is something lol. I don't think I've ever seen a game visibly drop that low before.
Warum zum Fick spielt man auf der XSS?
On ps5 it literally drops to 5fps when there's loads of action, like unplayable. What a waste of £35 as playstation doesn't give refunds lol
Whether the game is fun or not is besides the point. Most people are getting disconnected constantly and the joke of a single player campaign and the poor optimization is the cherry on top. Small dev team aside this game needed more time in the oven especially if it wants to compete with helldivers. At this point you're just paying for nostalgia.
I wanna buy is it worth it or wait???
Dude it's a small studio bringing a passion of a old franchise that has a huge fan base and bringing the starship troopers fans what they have always wanted. They aren't going to have huge studio budgets
Agreed, amazing film, I hope this holds up.
Do you want to know more? no thank you because maurice did a good job explaining it to us !
im sorry but shet game bro waste of time …
An acquaintance of mine worked on this game. Pretty small development team but I can say it was made with love. Glad you are covering it. Thanks for your honest / fair opinions.
game devs are getting lazyer by the day setting themselves up for a.i. takeover.
That game is so poorly optimized. You can see how the ground textures are popping in and out all the time right in front of you while other textures like the green blood are constantly flickering. This game should not have been released in this state. it is not finished and by looking at the quality of the graphics, the game could easily run at a way higher resolution. This is a perfect example of not caring about optimization whatsoever.
Offline solo I would buy it with the always on stuff. No chance
Was waiting to play this game but no story mode disappointed I'll wait to free to play or gamepass they just rushed the game sad wish they would of waited
Play horde mode and then you'll know how demanding this game is, especially in performance mode because when it get crazy and bugs start piling up the resolution can get low but holds a smooth framerate, im surprised how well it runs tbh
Hello guys and girls! 👍
Thanks what Is the resolution in performance?
Lot of "IFS" in there LOL. Thanks for the review.
Hi Maurice! My first “first” ever!!
Hello I love your videos
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