Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox Series S and PC.
“Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 delivers a spellbinding adventure packed with cinematic spectacle and story surprises that maintains a surging sense of forward momentum and never wastes a second of its slender run time. Its combat manages to feel consistently intimidating and immediate despite its mechanical simplicity, and its perspective-based puzzles regularly scratch cerebral itches even though they largely rehash or rework concepts from Senua’s previous story. A journey as brutal as it is beautiful delivered with hardware-pushing visuals and persistently absorbing audio, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is another Viking-worthy feast for the senses that meets the high bar set by its predecessor, even if it never really manages to clear it.”
❤ this Is A Good Game I Liked It
Enjoyed the first game.I just couldn't stand the CONSTANT interruptions this new game makes that disrupts gameplay. Every other 10 seconds, a cinematic interupts your gameplay experience.
What a work of art this game is, truly up there with the absolute best journeys in gaming and for me it's far more more rounded and deep than the original👏👏
Does it have the same permadeath mechanic as the first game?
Fantastic story driven game.
Hellblade 2 is an 8? Can't trust you guys with anything.
Make a video explaining why it bombed so hard and how you can justify giving it an 8 right now.
Disappointed that it’s only on Xbox series x.
Just finished the first and never realised how much story and atmosphere matters over gameplay. The binaural audio is insane too.
Be sure to turn off any virtual 3d. It ruins the voices in your head.
man why do u have to speak as if EVERY sentence ends as a question -_-
Reviewers speaking style is infuriating
The trailer was PHENOMINAL false advertising.
Sad that IGN dont understand what this game/series is all about. Somehow barely anyone here understands in the comments aswell. This game is an "game" that is made to bring the different perception of reality through psychosis near to people, its literally build on that and with that its quite an masterpiece.
The ending was boring
There's an annoying music to the way this guy talks 🤔… I can't finish watching this 😐
So underwhelming. No wonder the game(if you can call it that) flopped…
Not just the gameplay, even the story line is bad this time 😮💨 5/10 for me
We've reached a point where people are starting to talk like AI and AI are starting to talk like us.
Yeah…Gamepass it, not worth buying.
Black borders? It’s not a PAL SNES from 1992. GTFOH.
Can we just get a heavenly sword sequel already!!! So underrated. Or a remake. That game was the most epic thing next to GOW
That intro title sequence was almost too annoying to endure
It was alright but the first one was better
The reviewer sounds like a robot disliked
Blimy all she does is scream
anyone not liking this game needs to get his mind checked. This a piece of art
An 8 was too high for this game. It's beautiful but completely repetitive, and it gets boring very quickly. You're walking around doing nothing, moving from area to area, doing the same thing over and over again, with very repetitive combat. The first game was much better.
No physical no buy
Beautiful game
To me what kills this game is the way you got to open the door the puzzles is ridiculous they need to eliminate that just grab a key and open the dam door lol
IGN reviews are awful
This review is longer than the game…
this is a game for schizo f00ks. Can't believe they call shiz like this a game
Nice game… however not being 4K not even in Photo mode (Xbox Series X)… that's shame! Things are blurred 🙁
No interesting in buying a non physical game. Stop doing digital only especially on console.
It's not even believable.
Half the game is just walking
What does he mean that there is no guard breaking melee attack? The strong attack is just that, lol.
This game looks way too dark. Is the whole game spend in darkness? That seems boring…
Love the game, excellent storytelling and transitions. Short and sweet game, felt like you playing through a movie, like LOTR feeling.
This game is a work of art, i’ve never seen such graphics in a game.
Im really enjoying it. Its immersive and beautiful. Its an experience for sure.
Its terrible videogame journalism what you guys are doing here…
Short and sweet. Loved it
straight from the ps2 classic eco LOOL what a dumbass thing to say
Sounds like a Univ. professor narrating a boring lecture. Buddy you do one of the coolest job in human history- reviewing video games. Be energetic.
Freeying the giant was epic . Never seen this type of cinematics in a game.
So boring
Wish there was a "mute fanboy" option in life
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