Silent Hill 2 is a known quantity, to say the very least, which means it being as scary and atmospheric as it is shouldn’t come as a surprise, but though a lot of the game’s scares obviously come from things that were a big part of the experience in the original as well, the remake does do quite a bit to elevate those strengths in a multitude of different ways.
People often underestimate how important it can be for a horror game to be able to make players feel on edge in a variety of ways, and Silent Hill 2 certainly knows how to keep things from getting monotonous on that front.
I mean it seems pretty similar to one game I’ve played😂😂 LMAO. It’s almost like it’s a remake or something 🎉
It's the second closest game to capturing the creepy Silent Hill atmosphere with #1 being Signalis
I’m still in the apartments and DAMN it’s HARD! I’ve been playing the last hour without and health drinks and I’m injured. I never have a problem and the Resident Evil remakes! And it’s creepy and nostalgic! I love it!
Nothing beats PT and it was a demo 🙃
1:45 "It's been 3. ~ years since the game was first released".
Couldn't do another take of that sentence instead of making it sound like a slur was cut out huh lol
please everbody vote for goty!
we need more of that shit!
Wish I could play it without it crashing
I played a lot of horror video games and I am almost immune to the horror! But this game was the only one that got me after a decade!
Definitely worth the $74.19 spent on it
I just finished the prison. That was HARROWING
The game's awesome in all respects (except Angela's face). But it still has a few bugs. At one point I found a monster that was not really there. I could walk through it. At one point, I was unable to use items in the inventory. Maybe it was a bit rushed through the QA phase. Other than that, it's everything one could hope for in a SH game.
why do monster have to represent something?. They are just creepy. And that is it. Dont overthink it.
Silent Hill 2 is the best horror game of all time.
Dead Space
Resident Evil 4
Silent Hill 2
My Holy Trinity of Horror game remakes is complete.
10 / 10. Silent Hill is back baby B-)
only weird thing is the flashlight that comes from the camera, not from James
It seems like old school SH fans are more toxic than RE fans, because it's a smaller franchise and a smaller community, but most look like never accepted the over the shoulder change, to the point of getting too hostile on the game.
And even though old school RE fans are also resentful about the change, they seem to be kind of less harsh on RE for abandoning the old gameplay, and basically focus on their problems with excessive action and not just the camera itself. But those hardcore SH fans hate the camera. Look now: SH2R didn't even sell out to action in the sense of RE4-6, or like the Ps3 SH games… far from that. This SH2R tried negotiating between "old school horror" and "modern horror standards" in maybe the best way possible for a horror game remake in the 2020s, still the camera change isn't forgiven.
That's a problem, because the SH franchise is in a struggling state, it's even owned by a company that lost faith in it for years, so it's always in a bigger need of support compared to RE… But the hardcore fans are too problematic and unsupportive because of their purist side. (Meanwhile they most likely play other horror games with over the shoulder camera)
It seems like old school SH fans are more toxic than RE fans, because it's a smaller franchise and a smaller community, but most look like never accepted the over the shoulder change, to the point of getting too hostile on the game.
And even though old school RE fans are also resentful about the change, they seem to be kind of less harsh on RE for abandoning the old gameplay, and basically focus on their problems with excessive action and not just the camera itself. But those hardcore SH fans hate the camera. Look now: SH2R didn't even sell out to action in the sense of RE4-6, or like the Ps3 SH games… far from that. This SH2R tried negotiating between "old school horror" and "modern horror standards" in maybe the best way possible for a horror game remake in the 2020s, still the camera change isn't forgiven.
That's a problem, because the SH franchise is in a struggling state, it's even owned by a company that lost faith in it for years, so it's always in a bigger need of support compared to RE… But the hardcore fans are too problematic and unsupportive because of their purist side. (Meanwhile they most likely play other horror games with over the shoulder camera)
We need sh 3 and four the room remake deadspace 2 remake bioshock remake and siren and fatal frame remake and maybe condemned and dead apace 3 and my life is complete lol
In the beginning of the game you see Mary's body covered in James car implying he killed her before going to silent hill.
This and Alan wake 2 really fucked me up. For example in AW 2 the scene specifically crawling through the train of dead bodies hearing NOTHING but screaming and agony… just horrific and I beat the old silent hill 2 at 12. Fuck me, I love this game so much lmao might play it over and over again for sure
This game looks like how I remember SH2 when I was a kid. What an incredible looking game. If games look this good now, I can’t imagine how good they’re going to look in 10+ years. Holy heck.
Silent hill remake 1 , 3 and 4 is in need.
Games now a days are not doing very well….bring back those games that worked and people loved.
Still sad about P.T. 😢
This should be game of the year
If you do not have played silent hill 2 before. Take my comment as a warning. Prepare yourself or a descent on the human soul, and do not expect easy choices. Are you afraid of monsters? Monsters are shit on this game. The ammount of psychological shit you are going to experience on this game make this monsters your kindergarten friends. GO PLAY THIS MASTERPIECE. Bring a diaper . Expect life changing thoughts. God be with you.
The prison scared the shit outta me. There were alot moments where I backed into a corner and stayed there in the prison. Didn’t wanna move
The frame rate is unsettling, poor optimization
It's pretty casual fun ride.
It’s a great game it really is… but I wish people would stop saying it is a technical masterpiece… it’s a stutter mess as best.
Visually it's crap. 1440p 30fps or 1080p 60fps which stutters. So this is not a visual master price. I have a gaming TV with VRR and it can't fix this lazy remake.
Konami shill receiving money from them.
i hate mainstream game journalists so much because they have no integrity. The third-person camera and audio just don't compare whatsoever to the original. To sit here and lie "this is unsettling" is horse shit. Nobody feels unsettled playing this game since it plays more like an action shooter than a survival horror
This is one of the scariest games I’ve ever played.
IDK I played it, thought it was BORING AF
If you feel " unsettled" while playing this game…then you're a pussy simple as that.
How could it possibly be like something I’ve never played before, I played it 23 years ago?
I wouldn’t say scary..yes it obviously has those elements coz of the genre..but I’d say it combines those elements to make it more of a f with you situation..like hiding enemies round corners..the soundtrack..the ambience..the noises of creaking metal..the darkness and because graphics and hdr is awesome etc..the devs have done really well on keeping the suspense but without the scare..and messes with ya head..I like it..it’s a game not for the feint of heart.. I get more of an unsettling feeling more than fear..I’ve not played a game that made me feel like this ever..it’s awesome
I played it and I liked it a lot but Resident Evil 4 Remake is the best remake ever made.
this is the first game that made my heart rate pulsating so much since RE2 R.P.D section, ooh man that footstep sound
visually and audio wise this game is praiseworthy, techniqually this game is the opposite of masterpiece, this goes to show that game journalists are the only ones that don't know what they're talking about and are unable to dodge simple enemy attacks. that's why I always trust actual gamers thoughts infinitely more than so called self appointed journalists.
The evil within is better
The only game I've played where when I turned it off for the night, I was scared to go down the hall to use the bathroom by myself so I peed in a 20 oz empty water bottle and threw it away the next day. True story.
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