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SHUT UP! You fragile eared left wing Karens.
I didn’t know there was so many P words out here the world ends when someone drops a F bomb but will encourage men on men relationships gtfoh
Hot take from the second best broadcast team in New York
Boo hoo old men in the back 😂
Fans drop beer on the kids . Plus people get Mad cuz of the cussing but ur children are playing combat games. So quit. Its olay off baseball. Get over it.
Your concerns are cussing on live TV
He’s allowed to say it
Oh no! Kids heard the F word! That’s the worst thing they get exposed to on the internet!
I'm all for holding people accountable, but this is the softest that New Yorkers have ever sounded.
Maybe you can place a bet with Draft King, over/under on the $$fine.
Kike is a toolbag. Never liked him.
Just use the cough button. Come on.
Stop being such a snowflake Michael !!!!
It’s just a word you fucking idiots
Should be fined and suspended.
Kike a clown
This "society" is an idiotic capitalistic slave driven shithole
It's called freedom of speech moron. I swear, growing up in the 60's I heard that word and whole lot of other words you're "not supposed to say". If I was the player I'd be suing the hell out of MLB for violating my 1st Amendment. Of course most stupid, dumbass sports fans don't care about their rights, just as long as they get to see their team play on Sunday's or any other day of the week.
Oh please. They’re words.
I am Boricua. What Kike did was disgusting. It was shameful and a disgrace for the nation of Roberto Clemente.
He should at least be fined HUGE amount of money for that and if MLB truly cared they should suspend his ass 1 game that will really teach everyone a lesson that’s not going to be tolerated what so ever
What do you expect from a grown ass man nicknamed kike.
What's disgraceful is not using an accent to avoid a slur. Hold down the keyboard, it's not that hard!
Hernandez just keeps providing more evidence on why he’s one of the biggest tools in the league.
I started watching baseball beginning to end at the age of 7, im not sure 7 Year olds in this era watch baseball now like i did
I thought it was dope that he said that 😂😂😂 cringe never I don’t know where that one comes from maybe different cultures white boys love to cringe at life for some reason
if a yankee says the F-bomb … Mike will not talk about it. the hypocrisy
Michael is correct, in the heat of the moment you can accept it but this was pre meditated I’m not a Mets fan but I want the Mets to beat the Dodgers now
Never understood why saying fuck is such a big deal in the US. Of course, you shouldn't do it but if it happens, so what? Fuck it 😀
I get it, but Michael Kay must not watch Television!!! The things that they show is far worse than the F- bomb!!!
remember all 3 of these guys never played at a high level.
6:40 🤣
I didn’t think it’s disrespectful. I just thought he looked like a dumbass. Because he CLEARLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT. So he willingly said it knowing it was broadcasting and was live. Just looked like a dumbass. If you’re gonna say it just say it. Don’t make it like “man idk do I wanna say it or no?” You look stupid. If you’re gonna say it say it.
i thought broadcasts were delayed a few seconds so they could mute it.
Kids are watching? Yeah just like kids listen to these rappers saying bad words every 10 seconds.
its not a big deal, but I do think its embarrassing that he looked like he thought he really did something by saying it
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