I accidentally stumbled across a flaw in the online Tournament of Power. Okay, so I was in a tournament match mirroring the rules, and my opponent had a connection issue. So I advanced to the semifinals without fighting. I also had to sit there for awhile waiting for the other matches to finish. So when I go into the semifinals, I find that the first three characters in my opponents roster had practically no health left. Guy was so desperate he was trying to knock my characters out of bounds instead of going for a full fight.
And when I got into the finals, my opponent had only one full health character left against my roster. Guy put one one heck of a fight, but I still won in the end. Gotta admit, it felt a little… unfair? I mean, it was out of my control, but I still technically had an unfair advantage.
duDe if you don't like the game and the series that's ok, but don't makes us loose our time watching a REALLY BAD VIDEO of you being a little kid about a thing you simply don't like!! Go play some super mario 3 and make some better video than loosing everybody´s time
Reading through this commentary section, I came to the realization that either side of the discussion is going to have very dumb people defending it. Amazing :O Me included, tho – I bet my opinion on the game is also pretty dumb.
Thank god I am not the only one who thinks this game looks pretty average. I know the story, I am a fan of the anime but this looks bland. Don't be fan boy please.
Gotta agree with Dunkey, I prefer DBFZ in visuals and combat even though it's a traditional fighter. Budokai has always seemed clunky to me, but I guess that's the charm to it. It definitely doesn't do the main story justice. But the game at least looks good!
This must be one of those super-god super super-saiyan god super-saiyan type games.
2:08 Phallus gun or Thanos gun? 🧐
I find it hilarious that the more Dunkey makes fun of dragon ball, the more it sounds like he would legitimately like the show.
okay I thought I was going crazy lol. This game is mid as fuck lmao. Glad Dunkey agrees.
It is blasphemy to have any less that ten gokus in one Dragonball game
dunkey doesn't realize just how correct he is about the dodoria saga being skipped
Insane that zarbon went bigmode to kill vegeta
What was that song at the end?
Man how many games we gon get retelling the z fighters saga
I love how Yamcha and Krillin's roles are always just to get killed brutally 😂
Super super saiyan god super saiyan
Alright, only a matter of time until Bamco ruins this game by slowly trickling in awful monetization practices.
I accidentally stumbled across a flaw in the online Tournament of Power. Okay, so I was in a tournament match mirroring the rules, and my opponent had a connection issue. So I advanced to the semifinals without fighting. I also had to sit there for awhile waiting for the other matches to finish. So when I go into the semifinals, I find that the first three characters in my opponents roster had practically no health left. Guy was so desperate he was trying to knock my characters out of bounds instead of going for a full fight.
And when I got into the finals, my opponent had only one full health character left against my roster. Guy put one one heck of a fight, but I still won in the end. Gotta admit, it felt a little… unfair? I mean, it was out of my control, but I still technically had an unfair advantage.
Superman would beat all these gokus
Yo dunkey you should do some Timesplitters dope series I think you’d really enjoy
ok but we all know goku(mid) is actually best goku
wait, so zarbon sounds just like in dbz abridged? xD
Every version has a difference you can look at the symbols on his shirt
i know its goofy but they are not the same
duDe if you don't like the game and the series that's ok, but don't makes us loose our time watching a REALLY BAD VIDEO of you being a little kid about a thing you simply don't like!! Go play some super mario 3 and make some better video than loosing everybody´s time
Reading through this commentary section, I came to the realization that either side of the discussion is going to have very dumb people defending it. Amazing :O
Me included, tho – I bet my opinion on the game is also pretty dumb.
Thank god I am not the only one who thinks this game looks pretty average. I know the story, I am a fan of the anime but this looks bland. Don't be fan boy please.
Even if you love Dragon Ball, Goku (Super) Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is still hilarious
Gotta agree with Dunkey, I prefer DBFZ in visuals and combat even though it's a traditional fighter. Budokai has always seemed clunky to me, but I guess that's the charm to it. It definitely doesn't do the main story justice. But the game at least looks good!
ain't no way he thinks this game is bad
Super sayin 2 goku is peak
Nothing will bring me more joy as a DB fan than Dunkey's giggling over how fucking stupid the form names are.
LMAO so this is what the game looks like to ppl who havent watched dbz
dragonball is a very low quality franchise.
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