Here are some games that, due to unfortunate circumstances or corporate meddling, are no longer available to play easily.
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Interesting list. There is one game on PS4 called "Republique" and you cannot buy it anymore. The only reason why I still can play it, is because my big Cousin and I share accounts and he bought the game, when you could. I don' even know, why that game is not in the store anymore.
forza horizon 2 really only had a 3 year lifespan, then got shutdown due to poor licensing decisions
which cod game is at 5:28 on the jeeps I dont recognise it
What do you mean you can't play P.T. anymore!?!? I still have it 😁
" Need for Speed porche unleashed" also in this category. i loved this game and the play scenary. but due to licensing issue with porsche folks they stopped working on it and it no longer works on new windows versions.
I bought Darkspore on pre-order, but I didn't even beat the game.
Absolutely insane that one.
Mag was the shit back in the day
World in Conflict needs to be on the list.
Star wars clone wars adventure, star wars galaxy's, army of 2 MP.
Man, I forgot all about MAG. What a game! The amount of all-nighters I pulled because of it. Just blew my mind that a console like PS3 could have that size player count and size maps. I even used to play it with the PlayStation Move Sharpshooter
I mean, this was a time where we could only have up to 8 players on a server on GTA 5 but MAG had 256… lol legendary.
Simcity 2013 killed maxis lol
This video could also be titled, avoid live service games like the plague
The one game that comes to my mind is Battleborn. It was a creative and super fun game made by Gearbox but it was unfortunate to come out at the same time as the first Overwatch and was overshadowed by it. It's an underrated and underappreciated gem. It had a fun campaign as well that could have been made available to play when the servers shut down, at least in single player, but they disabled all parts of that game entirely. I had bought the game at full price on disc when it came out too. It's the only time I've ever literally thrown a video game in the trash. It was completely unplayable and useless. It's such a shame because my wife and I spent countless hours playing that together. It will always be one of my favorites.
When I saw this video, I immediately thought of MAG. I was overjoyed when I saw it at number 6. RIP MAG
All of them boil down to the ability to make money off the particular games.
RW:actually not everyone was able to have “their stuff “ transferred from OW1 OW2 mine is still pending and yet the game OW2 is playable.
I've gotten quite used to not owning any Ubisoft games.
I remember i still have Overwatch 1 on my back up hard drive. What can i do with it ?
“You will own nothing and be happy.”
RW:MHA RUMBLE is very related to Rumbleverse
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