For her monologue, Taylor Swift sings about all the things she’s not going to talk about in her monologue, including getting dumped over the phone, dating the werewolf from Twilight and Kanye West interrupting her at the VMAs. [Season 35, 2009]
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Wow, that song was fucking shit.
I'm watching this video in 2024 and it still makes me laugh every time 🤣
The intro of the song is giving never grow up vibes
I love how funny she is
I love her
If you haven't already, go watch Seth Meyers's interview with Howard Stern where Seth tells Howard the story of how Taylor brought the Monologue Song in and played it for him and Lorne Michaels, and how much better it was than what the SNL writers had come up with for her monologue. Priceless.
It's impossible not to like her.
Lalala. Hahahaha. 😂😂😂
I like writing their names in things so they are ashamed to go out in public ✨✨
Anyone here 2024
I like glitter and sparkly things
But I'm not going to talk about that
In my monologue!
I like bacon and the smell of winter
But I'm not going to talk about that
In my monologue!
La la la, la la la
I like writing songs about douchebags that cheat on me
But I'm not going to talk about that
In my monologue!
I like writing their names into songs so that they are ashamed to go to public
But I'm not going to talk about that
In my monologue!
La la, la la la
This is my musical monologue!
You might think that I bring up Joe and he broke up on me on the phone
But I'm not going to mention him
In my monologue!
(Hey Joe, I'm doing real well!)
Not this thing that I'd listen to him
But I'll never mention him
In my monologue!
La la la, ha ha ha, ha ha ha
And if you're wondering if I might date the wolf from Twilight
But I'm not going to comment on that
In my monologue!
La la, la la la
This is my musical monologue!
You might be expecting me to say something bad about Kanye and how he ran on the stage
And ruined my VMA monologue!
But there's nothing more to say
Cause everything's okay
That security line mistake
Is my SNL monologue!
La la, la la la
That was my SNL monologue!
That " Ha ha ha" part was the funniest😂
Edit: I liked my ow comment
2024 still listen
Normally not big on role models outside the family but this girl gave every one of her truck drivers $100k bonus after her tour. That’s putting her money where her mouth is.I’m sure Puffy wanted to give ‘em something.
This destroyed me. Prayers to his family.
Thanks for doing this. And you acknowledging her lyrical genius bro! Let’s do a podcast together.
I will never ever support her knowing that she supports Harris. Truly sick cult.
I’ve listened to this an unhealthy amount of times 😭😂😂
this is a good song
I realize this is ten years old but the transition from "LA LA LA" to "HA HA HA" was brilliant. (2:25)
She have to make a Taylor's Version of this😂😂😂
Homeschooled spoiled brat🐍🤢 of average to little ‘talent’. 🙄 Mean girl. Not a fan.
Any one here in 2024?
After seeing this for the first time in 2024 i just realized that Taylor is not a very good singer. She might be a great entertainer, but not a very good singer.
clearly a nod to the late great Shelley Duvall and Robin Williams from Popeye, the late great movie.
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