in 1998, cinema was introduced to Marvel’s half human, half vampire BLADE, and the destiny of Marvel comic book movies was changed forever. Here’s my review of the classic BLADE!
Watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/kaU2A7KyOu4?si=Df1T9fmVDlnz9STE
#Blade #BladeMovie
I’m hearing rob zombie in my head again can’t tell if it’s blade or twisted metal 4 DRACULA or maybe it’s cereal 🥣
Ah yes, this is the movie that saved Marvel and reinvigorate the superhero genre. If it wasn’t for this, the MCU wouldn’t be here today because of Blade and Wesley Snipes and to see him back in Deadpool and Wolverine, is a full circle moment.
it wasn’t in NEW YORK it was LA. Same gloomy grimey DTLA as in Fight Club
Goddam I love this fuckin movie. I cant believe how well it still holds up.
I remember '98, being 17 in high school going to see Blade with my best friend. Completely kicked ass. Especially the opening "bloodbath" scene.
Vampires don’t exist?? 5:38 you probably don’t believe in demons and ghost too huh? Guess they all are made up as well??
Catch you fuckers at a bad time? Rip Kris.
Props to you for this hahaha
Don’t forget the other great line in Blade: Mother F’r you out your damn mind?!
This movie was peak badassery
You can be forgiven for spoiling a (Gods help Us) close to three decades old movie, JJ. That said any tadpoles in the audience; Watch and Learn. We guarantee the new
abominationiteration being developed will not be up to the standard set by this film.Edit: re: 4:30 there's a cut scene that addresses that.
So why no Terrifier(s) reviews?
Blade is one of those movies I will sit down and watch whenever I catch it on TV. It will never not be a fun movie for me.
Without Blade, the Marvel/MCU movies we have today, good or bad, wouldn't exist.
Wesley wanted to Play Black Panther, but they wouldn't let him. I wonder what a Black panther movie would have been with Wesley Snipes? The world will never know.
A lesson they learned in Blade that Hollywood needs to learn again. Dont end your movies with a CGI battle. Make it man vs. Man. Only the Thanos CGI worked, no others have. (Even other fights against CGI characters in that movie didnt work). Just put a man in a costume and let him fight another man in a costume.
what the MCU should have been…
One of my favorite movies! In my PC of DVDS 😱🤯🤯
Blade is what every wolverine movies should have been
Can't Believe Jeremy didn't mention it was the first time an Audience got to see Bullet Time Speed on screen long before the Matrix introduced it.
Blade is just such a cool movie that has tons of factors that just carry it supremely. The characters, the story, the actors, all are just fantastic!
frost as the final boss also worked bcause the cgi has uhh not aged well. of course even with good cgi the demon / devil character in black adam was souless tensionless dog shit so yeah sometimes no cgi is the best solution.
I love Blade, such a great movie. I think Blade 2 is just as good (if not better). It's too bad Blade 3 was so damn awful.
Blade deserves the credit as the godfather, but as far as getting the last solo movie like Logan? Nah, but he can be in a team up movie and sacrifice himself though. Like in “Son of Blade” where he is Mahershelas dad😂
Jeremy Jahns blackface
Jeremy Jahns blackface
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