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Abby works with Lilliana and Peyton on an acrobatic duet inspired by Muhammad Ali in this clip from Season 6’s episode “Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like Ab-bee”. #DanceMoms #LillianaKetchman #AbbyLeeMiller
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“Dance Moms” follows Abby Lee Miller and the nation’s favorite tween dancers as they take on Hollywood while new auditions, new competitions, and new studios raise the stakes.
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New episodes Tuesdays at 9/8c!
Surprised abby didn’t go with “looks so sweet from head to feet” again
Give JULian his own dance studio
Honey bee(vivi)
Killer bee(Kenzie)
Sting like a bee(Lilly and peyton)
I think Abby is all about bees cause she stings trauma to the girls!
I now know that Abby is obsessed with bees
Everyone was so kind in that episode
Season 1: Vivi as a bee
Season 2: Kenzie as a bee
Season 6: Peyton and Lilly as bees
Abby has an addiction to bees😭
Abby is so happy like is this a TWIST😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Umm I don’t know much about dance but why did she have the award before they announced it was it one of the fake competition or smt
I started dance when I was 3 and still can’t do all of thought tricks
Payton was underrated baby was 6.
This reminds me of two girls who did a duet together
Ok but we all know that Vivi is best bee that ever danced for Abby! Her lagacy will live on as the best Bumblebee
They can’t sting like a bee if Mackenzie did already
0:57 Abby wants 7 year olds to be boxer bees lol
I don't know why but I just love bees And I love this dance and I loved when Mackenzie did the honey bee but Vivian did not do a good job doing that so well
The dance would have been better with good music
They did so well! This is also one of my favorite mini duos!
Today marks 8 years since Muhammad Ali passed. He was an absolute legend. May God rest his soul.
She loves bees so much it will be Abby Bee Dance Company
i think abby was a littel bite to exited🤣
This is my ice Skating song
Peyton is literally amazing for a 6 year old
Its always the cute ones and the bees
Who’s watching this when Lilly is rn above 10
peyton and lilly look like twins
this dance reminds me of the one Vivi Anne did a LONG time ago gosh i kinda miss Cathy and her craziness
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I never have seen Abby sooooooooo happy😅
I love Abby so much ❤
I’m not gonna lie that looks like Mackenzie’s killer bee solo
Payton was extremely good. I think she was better than Mackenzie at Acro, when you consider how young she was.
I like this because Abby is being really nice to them instead of calling them names and being mean (reference to the other comment that said this) 👍
honey bee:1st Killer bee:2nd 3rd:bee perfect
Not Abby chewing her finger when the show was going on😂
"WAwWaaaaWYAYYnSge LIKsSnIT" I have never seen some touch Stacy after Yolanda choked her😭
How did they do all of these tricks so easily and how did Peyton pick up lily 😮WHAT…😅😅…😅
abby has worked with me twice but now three times😮
That was so good
It’s really interesting looking at Stacey vs Kerri. Kerri’s like a genuinely happy mom and you can tell Stacey is critiquing every move her kid makes
Abby bee dance company
Abby bee company
It’s giving black swan at the beginning
Must bee perfect, killerbee, honeybee what next for season 9, maddiebee 😭
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